Embarcadero / Dev-Cpp

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Scrollbar is flashing when i type #253

Open Phenom23 opened 1 year ago

Phenom23 commented 1 year ago

Whenever i type anything, and the code is large enough that the scrollbar appears, it makes (the scrollbar) go flashing white from dark grey.

This is when i type: εικόνα

This is when i don't type: εικόνα

MuminjonGuru commented 1 year ago

Try changing the font size to a bigger one. In my case with font size 12 and below - yes there is a flashing. But with 13 and above no problem. But if you use too big one it flashes again.

Btw this is an indirect solution. Maybe the Dev-C++ developers should change focus after resizing the scrollbar. Cause lots of things happen when you just type.