Embarcadero / PythonEnvironments

Components to simplify the deployment for Python environments for Delphi applications using Python4Delphi.
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Building for Mac Error (told you so) #8

Closed peardox closed 2 years ago

peardox commented 2 years ago


Switch to Mac,and start compiling

Python4Delphi went OK

This package (others coming, I assume the same issue) try compiling the BPLs if you use Build All from the root project tree item

Well, of course they fail, they're Win32 so it's not going to compile on Mac64

Of course the option appears to be to just manually select the dylibs and build those without the bpls

This will be annoying when I get to Data Science as there are so many to build

I'll try building the rest just selecting the dylibs and see if my test FMX works

Presumably you told the group project to ignore Win32 bpls for Python4Delphi but not for this one

Any other issues I'll tag on to this message as they're all the same problem

peardox commented 2 years ago

The rest of the test went without incident by only selecting the dylibs

This situation will also apply to Android (explains why I had such an issue getting that working)

With Andropid my test project won't run properly - probably a memory issue

lmbelo commented 2 years ago

It is unable to create the bpl file, other issue so. Let me try it.

lmbelo commented 2 years ago

Oh, it works here. Can you try a clean clone, maybe?

lmbelo commented 2 years ago
peardox commented 2 years ago

Done all Win32 first - that's the file Android was trying to overwrite :)

lmbelo commented 2 years ago

Does it work?

peardox commented 2 years ago

That's the metod I was using for build

It's possible that it only don't install correctly on CE

peardox commented 2 years ago

Come to think of it telling people to always install Win32 then only the libs on FMX should never go wrong so regardless of Delphi version would be the correct way to tell people to install everything

Actually, only Win32 want the bpls anyway so ignore them once you've done Win32 (which is mandatory) - applies to Win64 as well...

lmbelo commented 2 years ago

I tried to share a video, but It is not working :/

lmbelo commented 2 years ago


lmbelo commented 2 years ago

Yeah, poor quality. Sorry.

peardox commented 2 years ago

Magnifying glass required :)

I'll just stick it in avidemux...

lmbelo commented 2 years ago

Can I close this one?

peardox commented 2 years ago

From your (resized so I can see it) video 11 and 10.4.2CE behave differently as that's how I did it (but got errors)

I take it you've got a 4k montor and really good eyesight :)

I'm almost blind in one eye (and hospital appointment not expected til next year to fix it)

lmbelo commented 2 years ago

From your (resized so I can see it) video 11 and 10.4.2CE behave differently as that's how I did it (but got errors)

I take it you've got a 4k montor and really good eyesight :)

I'm almost blind in one eye (and hospital appointment not expected til next year to fix it)

Hold on, Let me resize my screen and record a new one.

peardox commented 2 years ago


Worked ok in avidemux...:)

lmbelo commented 2 years ago

Thanks :D

It cropped bottom screen.

lmbelo commented 2 years ago

I know what is happening to you:

Use the "Set active platform" option and select macOS / macOS ARM 64-bit.

Screen Shot 2022-08-10 at 19 26 09

Now the "Save all" option must be enabled. Save your settings.

Screen Shot 2022-08-10 at 19 26 55

Build all.

Screen Shot 2022-08-10 at 19 30 12

I bet it will be of any help.