I'm using pure physx (physx-sys). The problem is that my "onConnect" (when bodies collides) never gets called. The filter shader is called though. Here is the scene creation.
pub fn create_scene(physics: PtrPhysics, gravity: f32) -> PtrScene {
unsafe {
let mut scene_desc: PS::PxSceneDesc =
scene_desc.gravity = PS::PxVec3 {
x: 0.0,
y: gravity,
z: 0.0,
unsafe extern "C" fn filterShader(mut s: *mut PS::FilterShaderCallbackInfo) -> u16 {
use PS::PxPairFlag as F;
let mut f = PS::PxPairFlags {
}; //;;
(*s).pairFlags = &mut f;
(PS::PxFilterFlag::eDEFAULT) as u16
unsafe extern "C" fn onConnect( //<--- This never gets called
a: *mut std::ffi::c_void,
b: *const PS::PxContactPairHeader,
c: *const PS::PxContactPair,
d: u32,
) {
println!("Connecting!"); //but it doesn't :(
let info = PS::SimulationEventCallbackInfo {
collision_callback: Some(onConnect),
let simulation_event_callback = PS::create_simulation_event_callbacks(&info);
scene_desc.simulationEventCallback = simulation_event_callback;
let dispatcher = PS::phys_PxDefaultCpuDispatcherCreate(1, null_mut());
scene_desc.cpuDispatcher = dispatcher as *mut PS::PxCpuDispatcher;
PS::enable_custom_filter_shader(&mut scene_desc, shader, 1);
let scene = PS::PxPhysics_createScene_mut(physics, &scene_desc);
And this is how I set the filter data
pub fn set_filter_data(actor: *mut PS::PxRigidActor) {
unsafe {
let data = PS::PxFilterData_new_2(2, 2, 2, 2);
let capacity = PS::PxRigidActor_getNbShapes(actor);
let mut buffer: Vec<*mut PS::PxShape> = Vec::with_capacity(capacity as usize);
let len =
PS::PxRigidActor_getShapes(actor, buffer.as_mut_ptr() as *mut *mut _, capacity, 0);
buffer.set_len(len as usize);
for n in 0..(len as usize) {
let shape = buffer.get(n);
match shape {
None => {}
Some(ptr) => {
PS::PxShape_setSimulationFilterData_mut(*ptr, &data);
I saw the PxSimulationFilterCallback_pairFound_mut ? method but that is supposed to be overriden, not called, and how should it be overriden? I'm really at a loss, there is no crashes, it just doesn't work for some reason.
Are there perhaps some examples out there on how it works? Couldn't find any so far.
I'm using pure physx (physx-sys). The problem is that my "onConnect" (when bodies collides) never gets called. The filter shader is called though. Here is the scene creation.
And this is how I set the filter data
I saw the
? method but that is supposed to be overriden, not called, and how should it be overriden? I'm really at a loss, there is no crashes, it just doesn't work for some reason.Are there perhaps some examples out there on how it works? Couldn't find any so far.