EmbeddedNim / picostdlib

Nim wrapper for the raspberry pi stdlib
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multi-core rp2024 #17

Closed Martinix75 closed 2 years ago

Martinix75 commented 2 years ago

Hi Jason, I wanted to do some multicore tests (it's a beautiful thing about rp2024 !!). But as usual they are a bit complex for me to wrapped. If you have time you could take a look? The functions are: • void multicore_reset_core1 (void) • void multicore_launch_core1 (void ( entry) (void)) • void multicore_launch_core1_with_stack (void ( entry) (void), uint32_t stack_bottom, size_t stack_size_bytes) • void multicore_launch_core1_raw (void ( entry) (void), uint32_t * sp, uint32_t vector_table)

Pagi 193 of the manual. thanks and bye Martin A.

beef331 commented 2 years ago

I assume the main issue is just void (* entry) (void) which in Nim I believe is just proc(){.cdecl.}, all the other stuff should be fairly self explanatory uint32_t* -> ptr uint32, size_t -> csize_t, uint32_t -> uint32. void multicore_reset_core1 (void) is just proc()

Martinix75 commented 2 years ago

Yes, exactly, that was my big problem (I had no idea how to do it!). In the Christmas holidays I would try to do! Thank you (and Merry Christmas in advance)

Martinix75 commented 2 years ago

Hi Jeson, I had some time today and tried to do the job. The rap of: void multicore_launch_core1 (void ( entry) (void)) -> proc multicorelaunchcore1 () {.cdecl, importc: "multicore_launch_core1".}

But the compiler says: /home/andrea/progpiconim/hellomulticore/src/helloMulticore.nim(18, 21) Error: Type Mismatch: Got <proc () {. NosideEffect, GCSafe, Locks: 0.}> But Expected One of: Proc Multicorelaunchcore1 () FIRST TYPE MISMATCH AT POSITION: 1 Extra Argument Given

The program is taken from the one example in the manual: import picostdlib/[gpio, multicore] import picostdlib

const FlagValue: uint32 = 123

proc CoreOneActv() = multicoreFifoPushBlocking(FlagValue) var g: uint32 = multicoreFifoPopBlocking() if g != FlagValue: print("Male!! il Core 1 Non funziona Bene!!" & '\n') else: print("Ottimo!! Il Core 1 Funziona!!" & '\n')

stdioInitAll() print("Ciao Multicore!" & '\n') multicoreLaunchCore1(CoreOneActv) (-->> LINE 18 <<---) var g: uint32 = multicoreFifoPopBlocking() if g != FlagValue: print("Male!! il Core 0 Non funziona Bene!!" & '\n') else: multicoreFifoPopBlocking(FlagValue) print("Ottimo!! Il Core 0 Funziona!!" & '\n')

I think it's not the right Wrapp as: proc multicoreLaunchCore1*() {.cdecl, importC: "multicore_launch_core1".}

But it's too complicated for my knowledge bye bye by A.Martin

Martinix75 commented 2 years ago

I believe Dia Ver solved (I had never seen functions to functions !!): proc multicoreLaunchCore1() {.cDecl, importC: "multicore_launch_core1".} to proc multicoreLaunchCore1( function: pointer) {.cDecl, importC: "multicore_launch_core1".}

though I tell me if I did the right thing, because I'm not sure !! nim compile, but now i make some tests :)

beef331 commented 2 years ago

Ah you misunderstood what i mean, this should work.

type ThreadFunc* = proc(){.cdecl.}
proc threadCall*(p: ThreadFunc) {.importc: "multicoreLaunchCore1".}
Martinix75 commented 2 years ago

I ruined what you said (always in the hypothesis that has done well)

{.push header: "pico/multicore.h".} type ThreadFunc = proc() {.cDecl.} proc multicoreLaunchCore1(p: ThreadFunc) {.importC: "multicore_launch_core1".} etc...

but the compiler tel me: /home/andrea/ProgPicoNim/hellomulticore/src/hellomulticore.nim(27, 21) Error: type mismatch: got <proc (){.noSideEffect, gcsafe, locks: 0.}> but expected one of: proc multicoreLaunchCore1(p: ThreadFunc) first type mismatch at position: 1 required type for p: ThreadFunc but expression 'CoreOneActv' is of type: proc (){.noSideEffect, gcsafe, locks: 0.}

expression: multicoreLaunchCore1(CoreOneActv) oserr.nim(94) raiseOSError (## line 27 --> multicoreLaunchCore1(CoreOneActv) #attiva il core 1 ## CoreOneActv is a proc! ##)

For now it works (and it seems good !!) with: proc multicoreLaunchCore1*(function: pointer) {.cDecl, importC: "multicore_launch_core1".}

And it seems to work well on the two cores example output multi core.. [core0 120]␍␊ (core1 15)␍␊ [core0 122]␍␊ (core1 16)␍␊ (core1 17)␍␊ [core0 124]␍␊ (core1 18)␍␊ [core0 126]␍␊ (core1 19)␍␊ (core1 20)␍␊ [core0 128]␍␊ [core0 130]␍␊ [core0 132]␍␊

beef331 commented 2 years ago

CoreOneActv should be proc CoreOneActv(){.cdecl.} and it should work without the ugly pointer, this is how we deal with C interop.

Martinix75 commented 2 years ago

wow now run without "ugly" pointer (## proc CoreOneActv() {.cdecl.} = var x = 0 multicoreFifoPushBlocking(FlagValue).....##)

This was difficult for my level !! thank you!!

Martinix75 commented 2 years ago

Created wrapper for multicore and with a simple demonstration example, everything seems to work well! Merry Christmas and Happy 2022