EmberCoin / Ember

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RPC no longer functional after updating #28

Closed presstab closed 6 years ago

presstab commented 6 years ago

ThreadRPCServer incorrect password attempt from ::ffff:<myipaddresshere>

Also the blockchain seems to be stuck for me. Any suggestions?

EmberCoin commented 6 years ago

Restart the client with -rescan

Let me know if you still still cannot access RPC once you are on the right blockchain and using v1.1.4. I can verify that RPC works fine once sync'd.

Will also need to see the RPC connection details (with identifiable info or passwords snipped) if you are unable to get it working correctly.

EmberCoin commented 6 years ago

You may need to use bootstrap over a new folder (with wallet.dat backed up and copied elsewhere) in order to help you out if the -rescan doesn't work.

That bootstrap is here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4PPmqI-4mwSVjJLU1UxRGtwaXM

presstab commented 6 years ago

Looks like something corrupted, or maybe an error in my .conf. It appears to be working after building clean.