EmberCoin / Ember

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Fixes linux build with proper berkeleydb libs to have compatibility with windows wallet.dat #32

Open tperalta82 opened 6 years ago

tperalta82 commented 6 years ago

This may be an ugly hack, but it's working at the moment, builds and runs properly (i'm using it)

Please comment/reject/whatever if something is wrong as i'm still learning

Not sure if it will break windows build, as I can't test it atm

EmberCoin commented 6 years ago

Hey, this is way too much. Since we went to supporting multiple OSes it no longer makes sense to have building of dependencies in the project anymore. Let me see if building on linux needs work and we'll go from there.

tperalta82 commented 6 years ago

I agree with you, the problem is that you are using libdb 5.x (depending on the OS), on linux, and on windows you are forcing it to 6.2.x that you probably have on your devel env. This is the only reason why I added it to linux, otherwise, neither the blockchain data for the new wallet that is on your google drive, nor the windows wallet.dat works due to incompatibility. And you are also building leveldb along the way.

Thanks for the input

mtetreault commented 6 years ago

I have a patch ready for this specific issue. I should have the time to push tomorrow.

On Fri, Oct 13, 2017 at 8:42 AM, Tiago Peralta notifications@github.com wrote:

I agree with you, the problem is that you are using libdb 5.x (depending on the OS), on linux, and on windows you are forcing it to 6.2.x that you probably have on your devel env. This is the only reason why I added it to linux, otherwise, neither the blockchain data for the new wallet that is on your google drive, nor the windows wallet.dat works due to incompatibility. And you are also building leveldb along the way.

Thanks for the input

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