EmberCoin / Ember

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Insane CPU Usage on Ember Wallet (Mac OSX) #62

Open rolzay opened 6 years ago

rolzay commented 6 years ago

As soon as I open up Ember Wallet on my Mac I get a huge spike in CPU % Usage. It goes up to about 200% and stays there. Fans start to kick in and temps go up. There's clearly some bug that's causing this. It's my first time downloading the Ember wallet and I want to leave it run for a while in order to sync the wallet (which also doesn't work, as I read) but I can't leave it running with 200% CPU usage now can I? I have the latest version of the wallet.

screen shot 2018-01-12 at 23 25 41 screen shot 2018-01-12 at 23 33 14
modhed commented 6 years ago

Try changing the amount of EMB used in each transaction to 0.01, instead of 0.00, under File—>Preferences.