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Ember simple-auth with Node Passport #7

Closed calouette closed 8 years ago

calouette commented 8 years ago

I am setting up a new Ember app with a Node.js backend. I want to get Authentication/Authorization down first and I have successfully setup authentication through facebook using simple-auth and torii so far in the frontend.

My next step is for Node.js Passport to take over and deal with further authentication and authorization in the backend. Is this a logical step or would you use different technologies?

taras commented 8 years ago

I don't know specifically about simple-auth with Node Passport but you might want to checkout Sane Stack which is Ember + Sails.js. There is an authentication library for Sails.js called Watercock and you can see an example of authorization done with Ember + Sails.js + Waterlock. There is a video about Sane Stack on Ember London meetup page.

I'm not sure if it's a better solution than going with Passport.js but at least the path is paved a little.

@bttf I believe you have some experience with doing Authentication between Ember & Node. What do you think?

taras commented 8 years ago

I found a blogpost by @givanse on doing Authentication with Sane Stack

givanse commented 8 years ago

Probably you don't need Passport, just something that can handle OAuth/JWT tokens. see: ember-and-sails-authentication-options/#tl-dr

taras commented 8 years ago

Thank you @givanse

calouette commented 8 years ago

Thanks guys! I'm going to look into Sane Stack