Embroidermodder / libembroidery

Library for reading/writing/manipulating machine and design embroidery files
zlib License
47 stars 14 forks source link

Jef color palette defective. #122

Closed tatarize closed 2 years ago

tatarize commented 6 years ago

{{0, 0, 0}, "Black", "002"), --> {{0, 0, 0}, "Black", ""}, {{255, 255, 255}, "White", "001"), --> {{255, 255, 255}, "White", ""}, {{255, 255, 23}, "Yellow", "204"), --> {{255, 255, 23}, "Yellow", ""}, {{255, 102, 0}, "Orange", "203"), --> {{250, 160, 96}, "Orange", ""}, {{47, 89, 51}, "Olive Green", "219"), --> {{92, 118, 73}, "Olive Green", ""}, {{35, 115, 54}, "Green", "226"), --> {{64, 192, 48}, "Green", ""}, {{101, 194, 200}, "Sky", "217"), --> {{101, 194, 200}, "Sky", ""}, {{171, 90, 150}, "Purple", "208"), --> {{172, 128, 190}, "Purple", ""}, {{246, 105, 160}, "Pink", "201"), --> {{245, 188, 203}, "Pink", ""}, {{255, 0, 0}, "Red", "225"), --> {{255, 0, 0}, "Red", ""}, {{177, 112, 78}, "Brown", "214"), --> {{192, 128, 0}, "Brown", ""}, {{11, 47, 132}, "Blue", "207"), --> {{0, 0, 240}, "Blue", ""}, {{228, 195, 93}, "Gold", "003"), --> {{228, 195, 93}, "Gold", ""}, {{72, 26, 5}, "Dark Brown", "205"), --> {{165, 42, 42}, "Dark Brown", ""}, {{172, 156, 199}, "Pale Violet", "209"), --> {{213, 176, 212}, "Pale Violet", ""}, {{252, 242, 148}, "Pale Yellow", "210"), --> {{252, 242, 148}, "Pale Yellow", ""}, {{249, 153, 183}, "Pale Pink", "211"), --> {{240, 208, 192}, "Pale Pink", ""}, {{250, 179, 129}, "Peach", "212"), --> {{255, 192, 0}, "Peach", ""}, {{201, 164, 128}, "Beige", "213"), --> {{201, 164, 128}, "Beige", ""}, {{151, 5, 51}, "Wine Red", "215"), --> {{155, 61, 75}, "Wine Red", ""}, {{160, 184, 204}, "Pale Sky", "216"), --> {{160, 184, 204}, "Pale Sky", ""}, {{127, 194, 28}, "Yellow Green", "218"), --> {{127, 194, 28}, "Yellow Green", ""}, {{229, 229, 229}, "Silver Gray", "220"), --> {{185, 185, 185}, "Silver Grey", ""}, {{136, 155, 155}, "Gray", "221"), --> {{160, 160, 160}, "Grey", ""}, {{152, 214, 189}, "Pale Aqua", "227"), --> {{152, 214, 189}, "Pale Aqua", ""}, {{178, 225, 227}, "Baby Blue", "228"), --> {{184, 240, 240}, "Baby Blue", ""}, {{54, 139, 160}, "Powder Blue", "229"), --> {{54, 139, 160}, "Powder Blue", ""}, {{79, 131, 171}, "Bright Blue", "230"), --> {{79, 131, 171}, "Bright Blue", ""}, {{56, 106, 145}, "Slate Blue", "231"), --> {{56, 106, 145}, "Slate Blue", ""}, {{7, 22, 80}, "Navy Blue", "232"), --> {{0, 32, 107}, "Nave Blue", ""}, {{249, 153, 162}, "Salmon Pink", "233"), --> {{229, 197, 202}, "Salmon Pink", ""}, {{249, 103, 107}, "Coral", "234"), --> {{249, 103, 107}, "Coral", ""}, {{227, 49, 31}, "Burnt Orange", "235"), --> {{227, 49, 31}, "Burnt Orange", ""}, {{226, 161, 136}, "Cinnamon", "236"), --> {{226, 161, 136}, "Cinnamon", ""}, {{181, 148, 116}, "Umber", "237"), --> {{181, 148, 116}, "Umber", ""}, {{228, 207, 153}, "Blond", "238"), --> {{228, 207, 153}, "Blonde", ""}, {{255, 203, 0}, "Sunflower", "239"), --> {{225, 203, 0}, "Sunflower", ""}, {{225, 173, 212}, "Orchid Pink", "240"), --> {{225, 173, 212}, "Orchid Pink", ""}, {{195, 0, 126}, "Peony Purple", "241"), --> {{195, 0, 126}, "Peony Purple", ""}, {{128, 0, 75}, "Burgundy", "242"), --> {{128, 0, 75}, "Burgundy", ""}, {{84, 5, 113}, "Royal Purple", "243"), --> {{160, 96, 176}, "Royal Purple", ""}, {{177, 5, 37}, "Cardinal Red", "244"), --> {{192, 64, 32}, "Cardinal Red", ""}, {{202, 224, 192}, "Opal Green", "245"), --> {{202, 224, 192}, "Opal Green", ""}, {{137, 152, 86}, "Moss Green", "246"), --> {{137, 152, 86}, "Moss Green", ""}, {{92, 148, 26}, "Meadow Green", "247"), --> {{0, 170, 0}, "Meadow Green", ""}, {{0, 49, 20}, "Dark Green", "248"), --> {{33, 138, 33}, "Dark Green", ""}, {{93, 174, 148}, "Aquamarine", "249"), --> {{93, 174, 148}, "Aquamarine", ""}, {{76, 191, 143}, "Emerald Green", "250"), --> {{76, 191, 143}, "Emerald Green", ""}, {{0, 119, 114}, "Peacock Green", "251"), --> {{0, 119, 114}, "Peacock Green", ""}, {{89, 91, 97}, "Dark Gray", "252"), --> {{112, 112, 112}, "Dark Grey", ""}, {{255, 255, 242}, "Ivory White", "253"), --> {{242, 255, 255}, "Ivory White", ""}, {{177, 88, 24}, "Hazel", "254"), --> {{177, 88, 24}, "Hazel", ""}, {{203, 138, 7}, "Toast", "255"), --> {{203, 138, 7}, "Toast", ""}, {{152, 108, 128}, "Salmon", "256"), --> {{247, 146, 123}, "Salmon", ""}, {{152, 105, 45}, "Cocoa Brown", "257"), --> {{152, 105, 45}, "Cocoa Brown", ""}, {{77, 52, 25}, "Sienna", "258"), --> {{162, 113, 72}, "Sienna", ""}, {{76, 51, 11}, "Sepia", "259"), --> {{123, 85, 74}, "Sepia", ""}, {{51, 32, 10}, "Dark Sepia", "260"), --> {{79, 57, 70}, "Dark Sepia", ""}, {{82, 58, 151}, "Violet Blue", "261"), --> {{82, 58, 151}, "Violet Blue", ""}, {{13, 33, 126}, "Blue Ink", "262"), --> {{0, 0, 160}, "Blue Ink", ""}, {{30, 119, 172}, "Sola Blue", "263"), --> {{0, 150, 222}, "Solar Blue", ""}, {{178, 221, 83}, "Green Dust", "264"), --> {{178, 221, 83}, "Green Dust", ""}, {{243, 54, 137}, "Crimson", "265"), --> {{250, 143, 187}, "Crimson", ""}, {{222, 100, 158}, "Floral Pink", "266"), --> {{222, 100, 158}, "Floral Pink", ""}, {{152, 65, 97}, "Wine", "267"), --> {{181, 80, 102}, "Wine", ""}, {{76, 86, 18}, "Olive Drab", "268"), --> {{94, 87, 71}, "Olive Drab", ""}, {{76, 136, 31}, "Meadow", "269"), --> {{76, 136, 31}, "Meadow", ""}, {{228, 222, 121}, "Mustard", "270"), --> {{228, 220, 121}, "Mustard", ""}, {{203, 138, 26}, "Yellow Ocher", "271"), --> {{203, 138, 26}, "Yellow Ochre", ""}, {{203, 162, 28}, "Old Gold", "272"), --> {{198, 170, 66}, "Old Gold", ""}, {{255, 152, 5}, "Honey Dew", "273"), --> {{236, 176, 44}, "Honeydew", ""}, {{252, 178, 87}, "Tangerine", "274"), --> {{248, 128, 64}, "Tangerine", ""},

Notice how: Pale Pink is properly, rgb(249, 153, 183) and not rgb(240, 208, 192).

f999b7 vs. #f0d0c0

My guess is whoever scanned in the chart didn't pay attention that the pink there had a massive fluorescent element to it, and thus was radically wrong. I also included the catalog numbers.

You will notice that: "{{255, 229, 5}, "Canary Yellow", ""},", "{{250, 122, 122}, "Vermillion", ""},", "{{107, 224, 0}, "Bright Green", ""},", "{{56, 108, 174}, "Ocean Blue", ""},", "{{227, 196, 180}, "Beige Grey", ""},", "{{227, 172, 129}, "Bamboo", ""}}"

Aren't included, they aren't actually proper jef colors, if they got picked, the files would crash any proper Janome software.

Formatted: {{0, 0, 0}, "Placeholder", "000"), {{0, 0, 0}, "Black", "002"), {{255, 255, 255}, "White", "001"), {{255, 255, 23}, "Yellow", "204"), {{255, 102, 0}, "Orange", "203"), {{47, 89, 51}, "Olive Green", "219"), {{35, 115, 54}, "Green", "226"), {{101, 194, 200}, "Sky", "217"), {{171, 90, 150}, "Purple", "208"), {{246, 105, 160}, "Pink", "201"), {{255, 0, 0}, "Red", "225"), {{177, 112, 78}, "Brown", "214"), {{11, 47, 132}, "Blue", "207"), {{228, 195, 93}, "Gold", "003"), {{72, 26, 5}, "Dark Brown", "205"), {{172, 156, 199}, "Pale Violet", "209"), {{252, 242, 148}, "Pale Yellow", "210"), {{249, 153, 183}, "Pale Pink", "211"), {{250, 179, 129}, "Peach", "212"), {{201, 164, 128}, "Beige", "213"), {{151, 5, 51}, "Wine Red", "215"), {{160, 184, 204}, "Pale Sky", "216"), {{127, 194, 28}, "Yellow Green", "218"), {{229, 229, 229}, "Silver Gray", "220"), {{136, 155, 155}, "Gray", "221"), {{152, 214, 189}, "Pale Aqua", "227"), {{178, 225, 227}, "Baby Blue", "228"), {{54, 139, 160}, "Powder Blue", "229"), {{79, 131, 171}, "Bright Blue", "230"), {{56, 106, 145}, "Slate Blue", "231"), {{7, 22, 80}, "Navy Blue", "232"), {{249, 153, 162}, "Salmon Pink", "233"), {{249, 103, 107}, "Coral", "234"), {{227, 49, 31}, "Burnt Orange", "235"), {{226, 161, 136}, "Cinnamon", "236"), {{181, 148, 116}, "Umber", "237"), {{228, 207, 153}, "Blond", "238"), {{255, 203, 0}, "Sunflower", "239"), {{225, 173, 212}, "Orchid Pink", "240"), {{195, 0, 126}, "Peony Purple", "241"), {{128, 0, 75}, "Burgundy", "242"), {{84, 5, 113}, "Royal Purple", "243"), {{177, 5, 37}, "Cardinal Red", "244"), {{202, 224, 192}, "Opal Green", "245"), {{137, 152, 86}, "Moss Green", "246"), {{92, 148, 26}, "Meadow Green", "247"), {{0, 49, 20}, "Dark Green", "248"), {{93, 174, 148}, "Aquamarine", "249"), {{76, 191, 143}, "Emerald Green", "250"), {{0, 119, 114}, "Peacock Green", "251"), {{89, 91, 97}, "Dark Gray", "252"), {{255, 255, 242}, "Ivory White", "253"), {{177, 88, 24}, "Hazel", "254"), {{203, 138, 7}, "Toast", "255"), {{152, 108, 128}, "Salmon", "256"), {{152, 105, 45}, "Cocoa Brown", "257"), {{77, 52, 25}, "Sienna", "258"), {{76, 51, 11}, "Sepia", "259"), {{51, 32, 10}, "Dark Sepia", "260"), {{82, 58, 151}, "Violet Blue", "261"), {{13, 33, 126}, "Blue Ink", "262"), {{30, 119, 172}, "Sola Blue", "263"), {{178, 221, 83}, "Green Dust", "264"), {{243, 54, 137}, "Crimson", "265"), {{222, 100, 158}, "Floral Pink", "266"), {{152, 65, 97}, "Wine", "267"), {{76, 86, 18}, "Olive Drab", "268"), {{76, 136, 31}, "Meadow", "269"), {{228, 222, 121}, "Mustard", "270"), {{203, 138, 26}, "Yellow Ocher", "271"), {{203, 162, 28}, "Old Gold", "272"), {{255, 152, 5}, "Honey Dew", "273"), {{252, 178, 87}, "Tangerine", "274"),

AkiraNorthstar commented 6 years ago

"{{255, 229, 5}, "Canary Yellow", ""},", "{{250, 122, 122}, "Vermillion", ""},", "{{107, 224, 0}, "Bright Green", ""},", "{{56, 108, 174}, "Ocean Blue", ""},", "{{227, 196, 180}, "Beige Grey", ""},", "{{227, 172, 129}, "Bamboo", ""}}"

Should be: "{{255, 241, 33}, "Canary Yellow", "275"},", "{{255, 71, 32}, "Vermillion", "202"},", "{{0, 181, 82}, "Bright Green", "206"},", "{{2, 87, 181}, "Ocean Blue", "222"},", "{{208, 186, 176}, "Beige Grey", "223"},", "{{227, 190, 129}, "Bamboo", "224"}}"

tatarize commented 6 years ago

Hm. If that's accurate then it actually needs to use those additional colors for reading but not for writing. The palette ends at 72 in some versions of of the Janome software. Also, wilcom doesn't seem to have those colors as a thing.

tatarize commented 6 years ago

Hm. Nope. Suddenly showed up. How odd. Seems like both Janome and Wilcom have such things. not sure why it was so rude about it before.

tatarize commented 6 years ago

And I get slightly different values than you got there.

"#ffe505","Canary Yellow","Janome","275", "#f0331f","Vermilion","Janome","202", "#1a842d","Bright Green","Janome","206" "#386cae","Ocean Blue","Janome","222" "#e3c4b4","Beige Gray","Janome","223" "#e3ac81","Bamboo","Janome","224",

AkiraNorthstar commented 6 years ago

Hmmm, very different: screenshot_2018-07-12 hex color 1a842d to rgb pantone ral hsl hsb json get color schemes screenshot_2018-07-12 rgb color 0 181 82 to hex pantone ral hsl hsv hsb json get color scheme

EDIT: Only Bamboo fits

tatarize commented 6 years ago

Mine are a dump from Wilcom. Though the thing to check is that disaster of Pale Pink. It looks nothing like anything in either Wilcom or Janome software.

AkiraNorthstar commented 6 years ago

Thread colors are generally difficult to determine because shiny or dull threads already visually differ. Therefore, you should see the colors rather than approximation of the embroidery thread in the final product. However, the question is, how up-to-date these colors are from the manufacturers of the software (eg Wilcom, Janome and others). Janome does not actually provide its own thread colors (for end customers). The RGB values are for two outputs: At the computer screen, and at the machine screen. In my Janome (MC350e) it shows no RGB value and no manufacturer number but indicates the color name (eg Black, White, ...). And the display of MC350e is monochrome.... It should be different with the professional models.

tatarize commented 6 years ago

At a minimum. I used those colors and the pale pink was off by enough that it screwed things up for me. This photo-embroidery looks totally wrong given that pink being way off compared with other sources.

And the authority here is Janome's own software. That software's internal use of the colors is the only thing you need to match.


AkiraNorthstar commented 6 years ago

It looks like the RGB value is wrong here. No matter where. The thread Pale Pink 211 by Janome looks more like this: j-211_resize But I have to agree with you, the pink looks terrible in the fish.

robin-swift commented 2 years ago
