EmchBerger / cube-common-develop

Common code for developping the CUBE Tools
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[testing] do automated ui tests #2

Open SimonHeimberg opened 7 years ago

SimonHeimberg commented 7 years ago


both based on phpunit and able to call selenium webdriver:

SimonHeimberg commented 7 years ago

to try:

does the selenium export work for the tools? (or export from Katalon Recorder)

exported code (generated by https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/selenium-ide-php-formatters/ ):


Exported java code, to do some automatic replacements:

    assertNotEquals("/login", driver.getCurrentUrl());
SimonHeimberg commented 7 years ago
tool selenium WebDriver more drivers syntax similar connection config remote code coverage
baseMinkTestcase y y * no? ?? todo y
steward y - java simple ?

syntax baseMinkTestCase:

// visit a page

// call to getSession() without argument will always return a default session if has one (goutte2 here)
echo $mink->getSession()->getPage()->getContent();

// call to getSession() with argument will return session by its name
echo $mink->getSession('custom')->getPage()->getContent();

syntax steward:

 $this->findMultipleByClass('cubePa'); // OR

mink drivers *: Selenium, Goutte, Zombie, Sahi, GhostDriver, ...

SimonHeimberg commented 6 years ago

If somebody wants to run some tests, ask me to start my selenium-servers and give you the login details. (And some demo code to run steward.)