EmeraldLoc / tag

sm64coopdx tag pack. This mod includes Tag, Freeze Tag, Infection, Hot Potato, and more.
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New Gamemode - Spotlight #565

Open TheMan6900 opened 1 month ago

TheMan6900 commented 1 month ago

Basically there be one runner (the leader) with the rest being taggers (followers).

The followers would have timer over there heads (would be adjustable) that would be constantly ticking down, when the timer hits 0 that tagger would explode and be eliminated,

The taggers would have to tag the runner to replenish there timer, and the goal for the taggers would be to just survive until the round ends

The leader would have to just run away from the taggers and try to get them all eliminated.

The runner would not take knockback from hits, kinda like how sardines do.

Bear64DX commented 1 month ago

This could replace Sardines' index (real)

TheMan6900 commented 1 month ago

This could replace Sardines' index (real)


Bear64DX commented 1 month ago

Would the taggers work together?

TheMan6900 commented 1 month ago

Oh yeah this would be the replacement for search

Bear64DX commented 1 month ago

I'd rather have it replaces Sardines tbh

Bear64DX commented 1 month ago

It does sound like a cool gm idea

TheMan6900 commented 1 month ago

I'd rather have it replaces Sardines tbh

Arent gamemodes kinda hard to remove though heck replace?

Bear64DX commented 1 month ago

Yeah they would be. Not sure about index replacing though. I still think they'd be hard to replace, I'm just saying it'd be neat if it did. Plus, there's no reason to replace Search cause like Emerald said, it doesn't have a stats index yet.

EmeraldLoc commented 1 month ago

The idea's pretty neat. The runner would take KB, it would just be reduced. To avoid what happened with Sardines and Search, I'd make this gamemode have multiple runners. The name is not very good, so that needs to be rethought of.

I'd rather have it replaces Sardines tbh

Sardines is staying, it's been out for an update, it's gonna stay.

Oh yeah this would be the replacement for search

Yes it would

Bear64DX commented 1 month ago

So it'd kinda be like old juggernaut in terms of KB? That's fine by me

TheMan6900 commented 1 month ago


Bear64DX commented 1 month ago

What about "Throne" as a gm name? (The runners are kinda like kings in this gm if you ask me)

TheMan6900 commented 1 month ago


TheMan6900 commented 1 month ago

Name Ideas: Leadership, Throne, and king

EmeraldLoc commented 1 month ago

Don't like any of those names

Bear64DX commented 1 month ago


TheMan6900 commented 1 month ago


TheMan6900 commented 3 weeks ago