EmeraldLoc / tag

sm64ex-coop tag pack. This mod includes Tag, Freeze Tag, Infection, Hot Potato, and more.
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scripting error 17# #680

Closed TheMan6900 closed 1 day ago

TheMan6900 commented 5 days ago


EmeraldLoc commented 5 days ago

What version of tag?

TheMan6900 commented 5 days ago


EmeraldLoc commented 5 days ago

This should not happen? It's stating that gGlobalSyncTable must be nil, which is def not the case.... can you enter tmp and send what the line is so I can see if mine is the same?

TheMan6900 commented 5 days ago

this is the chunk of the code (nevermind I dont know how to preview, uh)

---@param m MarioState local function mario_update(m) if levels[gGlobalSyncTable.selectedLevel].overrideWater ~= true and not gGlobalSyncTable.water then -- get rid of water for i = 1, 10 do set_environment_region(i, -10000) end else -- bring back water for i = 1, 10 do if waterRegions[i] ~= nil then set_environment_region(i, waterRegions[i]) end end end

EmeraldLoc commented 5 days ago


EmeraldLoc commented 5 days ago

Yea I know that much already, what's the exact line for you, line 946

TheMan6900 commented 5 days ago
if levels[gGlobalSyncTable.selectedLevel].overrideWater ~= true
EmeraldLoc commented 5 days ago

Ok that makes a lot more sense

EmeraldLoc commented 5 days ago

Were you joining a lobby with a romhack or?

TheMan6900 commented 5 days ago

no, it was just tag - b3313, and of course, tag 2.4

EmeraldLoc commented 5 days ago

Well then levels had to have been nil... very weird, probably a one off, will keep open, if it happens again, be sure to report here.

EmeraldLoc commented 1 day ago

Oh yea fixed this