EmeraldLoc / tag

sm64coopdx tag pack. This mod includes Tag, Freeze Tag, Infection, Hot Potato, and more.
13 stars 2 forks source link

Start Countdown Bug #888

Open TheMan6900 opened 1 month ago

TheMan6900 commented 1 month ago


EmeraldLoc commented 1 month ago

Ye this is known, just need to send a packet when a mod starts a game.

TheMan6900 commented 1 month ago

these ig image

TheMan6900 commented 1 month ago

we had auto mode off, btw

EmeraldLoc commented 1 month ago

No, there aren’t any packets being sent rn, need to add that. Although that in of itself is a bug.

TheMan6900 commented 1 month ago

we had auto mode off, btw

this can happen with auto mode on, btw