EmergentOrganization / cell-rpg

:black_square_button: connect to a universe where cellular automata have run rampant
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Code TODO List @ 13Jan2016 #92

Closed BrianErikson closed 8 years ago

BrianErikson commented 8 years ago

TODO list is getting large -- maybe we should do something about that :+1: When TODOs are accomplished, please reply with changes or edit post and cross out each respective TODO. I couldn't find a good way to keep line numbers with grep so just use CTRL+F in each respective file to find the LOC

  1. CAGridComponents.java: // location of grid center TODO: maybe a position component could be used for this?
  2. CAGridComponents.java: // TODO: use of inteface, enum, map like w/ CellRenderer is preferred.
  3. CAGridComponents.java: // TODO: add pattern, row, col to queue which will be handled, call _stampState during next generation
  4. CAGridComponents.java: // TODO: estimate should + a few ms; currently this is soonest possible time.
  5. CAInteraction/CAInteractionList.java: // TODO: (enhancement) could apply multiple stamps over multiple generations
  6. CAInteraction/CAInteractionList.java: // TODO: public void setColliderRadiusFromBounds(Bounds bounds){
  7. CollectibleSpawnField.java: // TODO: exclude inner radius / bounds?
  8. CollectibleSpawnField.java: // TODO: add rotation?
  9. CollectibleSpawnField.java: // TODO: incorporate variance
    • 9&3/4. Position.java: // NOTE: this doesn't take into account rotation! TODO: fix!
  10. SpontaneousGeneration/SpontaneousGenerationList.java: // TODO: exclude inner radius / bounds?
  11. SpontaneousGeneration/SpontaneousGenerationList.java: // TODO: incorporate variance
  12. StatsTracker.java: * TODO: connect this with game events using EventManager.
    • Already done!
  13. BaseComponentBuilder.java: // TODO: List required components somehow
    • Already done in a different class
  14. HealthBuilder.java: // still destructible TODO: fix?
  15. CALayerFactory.java: * !!! DISCLAIMER: despite the name, this does not follow the factory pattern. !!! TODO: rename
  16. CALayerFactory.java: * TODO: this should be part of the CALayerComponentsConstructor, not a separate class.
  17. EntityFactory.java: // TODO: add CAManager & get CA layers using , not this:
  18. EntityFactory.java: // TODO: not sure what this value should be... could use Bounds?
  19. EntityFactory.java: // TODO: not sure what this should be either
  20. EntityFactory.java: // TODO: Tie GridSeed component to this somehow
  21. EntityFactory.java: // TODO: Come up with a more ui-friendly name
  22. EntityFactory.java: // TODO: Come up with a more ui-friendly name
  23. EntityFactory.java: // TODO: move this... somewhere...
  24. CAStamps.java: // TODO: randomize first col
  25. PhysicsContactListener.java: // TODO: add collide-events to CollideEffect?
  26. ScoreEventListener.java: // TODO: iff event applies to this entity
  27. PlayerInputProcessor.java: // TODO: should be list of iMovementCtrl
  28. PlayerInputProcessor.java: // TODO: add more movement control options
  29. PlayerInputProcessor.java: // TODO: add more weapon control options
  30. Arcade.java: // TODO: this should be somewhere else
  31. DialogDisplay.java: // align topLeft TODO: this isn't working...
  32. LifeGeneLab.java: // TODO: this should be somewhere else
  33. SettingsMenu.java: // TODO: audio settings
  34. ArcadeRegion.java: // TODO: this is currently unused, but layers should be dynamically added/removed
  35. ArcadeRegion.java: // TODO: by a CA Manager.
  36. ArcadeRegion1.java: // TODO: this is currently unused, but layers should be dynamically added/removed
  37. ArcadeRegion1.java: // TODO: by a CA Manager.
  38. ArcadeRegion2.java: // TODO: this is currently unused, but layers should be dynamically added/removed
  39. ArcadeRegion2.java: // TODO: by a CA Manager.
  40. ArcadeRegion3.java: // TODO: this is currently unused, but layers should be dynamically added/removed
  41. ArcadeRegion3.java: // TODO: by a CA Manager.
  42. iRegion.java: * TODO: should this return the region class instead and leave instantiation to the regionSwitcher?
  43. TheEdge.java: // TODO: return adjoining region when nearing boundary
  44. Story.java: // TODO: this should be somewhere else
  45. Story.java: // TODO: change this region
  46. CameraSystem.java: // TODO: randomize directions
  47. CameraSystem.java: // TODO: Need to replace this with 7yl4rs version
  48. CAGenerationSystem.java: // TODO: manage generation tasks somehow?
  49. CAInteractionSystem.java: // TODO: check cells past through since last collision check
  50. CAInteractionSystemTest.java: // TODO: re-write test to work around this, or at least expect error here.
  51. CARenderSystem.java: // TODO: handle key not found exception. print "Renderer for renderType not found", default to ColorMap?
  52. CA.java: // TODO: use this instead of getCAMap(). also do the same in CellRenderer.
  53. BaseCell.java: // TODO: true locks the cell, means "don't compute rule on this cell"
  54. CellWithHistory.java: // TODO: replace this with bufferSwapCell which should store two state values here,
  55. GeneticCell.java: // TODO: inherit + mutation
  56. GeneticCell.java: // TODO: add back version : v" + CellRpg.fetch().getVersion(),
  57. util.java: // TODO: check gridComps.CARule and execute appropriate rule
  58. DGRN.java: // TODO: this should should really be handled within the gexf4j library.
  59. DGRN.java: // TODO: this should should really be handled within the gexf4j library.
  60. DGRN.java: // TODO: this should should really be handled within the gexf4j library.
  61. DGRN.java: // TODO: this should != 0
  62. DGRN.java: // TODO: or maybe otherNode is not yet in grid!
  63. DGRN.java: // TODO: this should should really be handled within the gexf4j library.
  64. DGRNTest.java: // TODO: this doesn't work:
  65. DGRNTest.java: // TODO: this does work:
  66. DGRNTest.java: // TODO: WHY?
  67. DGRNTest.java: // TODO: compare node.getAllEdges() and node.getEdges()
  68. DGRNTest.java: // TODO: do either of the above include inflowing edges AND outflowing edges?
  69. gexfTest.java: // TODO: this test fails, attributes must be manually added to nodes.
  70. gexfTest.java: // TODO: this test fails. getAllEdges() always returns 0 edges
  71. gexfTest.java: // TODO: compare node.getAllEdges() and node.getEdges()
  72. gexfTest.java: // TODO: do either of the above include inflowing edges AND outflowing edges?
  73. TimedDestructionSystem.java: // TODO: use DelayedIteratingSystem instead
  74. WindowSystem.java: // TODO: frameBuffer not rendering for some reason
  75. CGoLShapeConsts.java: //TODO: return something like this instead:
  76. MapEditor.java: // TODO:move this with other scenes, and probably extend the WorldScene to reduce code duplication.
  77. MapEditor.java: //TODO
  78. EditorWindow.java: // TODO: Throw warning window saying that changes won't be saved if they continue
  79. EditorWindow.java: // TODO: rebuild colliders on resize
  80. Resources.java: // TODO sound effect
  81. testUtils.java: // TODO: format print. maybe .replace("],[", "\n") ?
7yl4r commented 8 years ago

Heh. I am most definitely the culprit here. I have a bad(?) habit of leaving loose-suggestion TODOs all over the place.

BrianErikson commented 8 years ago

A lot of these are stale, and this issue has outlived it's usefulness

7yl4r commented 8 years ago

up-to-date todo listing can now be viewed via the codeclimate issues list