Emeryth / sma-q2-oss

Open source firmware for the SMA-Q2 smart watch
MIT License
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Refactored make #2

Open dretay opened 4 years ago

dretay commented 4 years ago

Hi Andrzej,

Here's a cleaned up version that merges cleanly.... looks like there is some issue with one of your recent updates that's caused the time updates to not get sent correctly from the Jupyter notebook... i'll look into that tonight.

Emeryth commented 4 years ago

Good job, thanks for contributing to this project.

One thing I am concerned about is that you're not supposed to distribute the Nordic SDK. See https://devzone.nordicsemi.com/f/nordic-q-a/19187/how-to-license-code-based-off-of-examples-that-come-with-nordic-sdk-8-1/74304#74304 You should download it from their server instead.

looks like there is some issue with one of your recent updates that's caused the time updates to not get sent correctly from the Jupyter notebook... i'll look into that tonight.

The firmware now enforces secure pairing, is that the problem?

dretay commented 4 years ago

Good catch, never knew that. I refactored this to download the nRF5 lib from nordic's website. While I was in there i created dependency target to also initialize the submodules and the pipenv in one go... so the install instructions would be "make dependencies && make"

Yah i need to noodle on how to get bluez to do secure pairing... even on the command line I'm having issues... maybe that could be flagged so there's an insecure "dev" build thats easier / more convenient to test?