EmicoEcommerce / Magento2Tweakwise-archived

Magento 2 module for Tweakwise integration
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Browse back button on POP doesn't work (navigation issue) #239

Closed mischabraam closed 2 years ago

mischabraam commented 2 years ago

Issue Brief

The "back" button of my browser (Chrome on MacOS) doesn't reload the products on a POP.

Case is when we're on a POP and navigate to the second page. The products are loaded using AJAX and the URL changes to http://example.com/pop/?p=2. This is correct. However, if we now click the back button of our browser, the URL changes back to what it was, but nothing else happens. The products are not reloaded again and the navigation buttons still show that the second page is active.

See a case at the following video: https://watch.screencastify.com/v/ZKWfv88YVf9mObEc3XCF


Steps to reproduce

  1. See video: https://watch.screencastify.com/v/ZKWfv88YVf9mObEc3XCF

Actual result

  1. Products are still the products from page 2.

Expected result

List the expected results as a bullet list of expectations