EmicoEcommerce / Magento2Tweakwise

Magento 2 module for Tweakwise integration
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Issues with filtered PLP and history #183

Open evs-xsarus opened 1 month ago

evs-xsarus commented 1 month ago

Issue Brief

What is the purpose of this issue? Explain the background context.


Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a landing page for multiple brands.
  2. filter a PLP on 2 or more of these brands
  3. deselect a brand

Actual result

It's not possible to deselect a brand.

Expected result

The brand is deselected and the results reloaded.


For now, I've fixed this with this change:

--- a/vendor/tweakwise/magento2-tweakwise/view/frontend/web/js/navigation-form.js
+++ b/vendor/tweakwise/magento2-tweakwise/view/frontend/web/js/navigation-form.js
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
             noteMessageSelector: '.message.note',
             noticeMessageSelector: '.message.notice',
             isLoading: false,
-            ajaxCache: true,
+            ajaxCache: false,

         currentXhr: null,
ah-net commented 1 month ago

@evs-xsarus I can't reproduce the issue.

The ajaxCache should not be an issue because the url's should be different. Can you give an screenshot of the tweakwise/layered navigation settings? So i can see if i can reproduce it using the same settings? Is it possible to make an clip of the problem including the used url's?