EmilZach / Sentence-Crusher

A Python game for crushing sentences.
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Highscore not showing in correct order #1

Closed Arxcis closed 8 years ago

Arxcis commented 8 years ago

Hei, min første issue.

Arxcis commented 8 years ago

You can find the relevant code for this issue @ https://github.com/EmilZach/Sentence-Crusher/blob/master/Game/data.py#L230-L256

Arxcis commented 8 years ago

I FOUND THE GUILTY LINE -- > https://github.com/EmilZach/Sentence-Crusher/blob/master/Game/storage.py#L89-L90

Here the item has index = 0 , it should be index = 1. All the names are at index = 0 so the get_sorted_highscore() sorts the highscore-list by names, and not by numbers.. D'uh! fixing this now.

Closing ISSUE!