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The Github repository for the Minecraft mod Clutter
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[Suggestion] Potential Redstone Functionality Additions #24

Open Ultimushadow opened 10 months ago

Ultimushadow commented 10 months ago

There are several Redstone based blocks and many different materials of them. I noticed that the Copper Buttons slow down as they oxidize, which I think is a fantastic idea, so I figured I would think of some uses for the other blocks!

Buttons - First up is the Copper buttons which started this thought process. I think that the timings could be tweaked a bit to allow for more unique tick rates. Now, I used hopper timings which run at 1 item every 2 ticks so I might be off on the tick count, but from what I can tell, the Exposed has 10 ticks and Weathered has 15 ticks, same as Wood and Stone respectively. I think that, since the plain Copper Button seems to be 6 ticks, the order should go: 6, 12, 18, 24. This way it differentiates enough from vanilla buttons that hopper timings are noticeable. For Iron, Silver and Gold, I think Iron should take the longest, rather than Silver. This is more to do with the theming of Gold and Iron in vanilla. So, my suggestion is to switch the two, so Iron with 40 ticks and Silver with 30 ticks, and since Gold is thematically the material of speed, it should be 2 ticks (currently it shared 10 ticks with Stone).

Pressure Plates - I think the Copper variations don't have to stop at buttons! Each plate, rather than sending full signal strength immediately, will increase its charge incrementally. The base Copper Pressure Plate will increase in power every 2 ticks, Exposed will increase every 4 ticks, Weathered every 8 ticks, and finally Oxidized every 16 ticks. This fits thematically and could be used for fun timing contraptions! It would also be nice to use these with items, that way the timing aspect can be utilized a bit easier. Also, there is no Silver Pressure Plate! I imagine that Silver could function like a reverse Gold Pressure Plate - rather than counting up, Silver starts at 15 with one entity and counts down instead. While there are more unique methods, this one seems like potentially the easiest and most close to vanilla.

Doors/Trapdoors - I think these could be interesting to change as well (note, I will be shortening to just "Doors", these all apply to Trapdoors as well). Copper Doors will take longer to open to more oxidized they are. Normally, doors open instantly, but Copper Doors take 2 ticks to open - barely perceptible. Exposed would take 4, Weathered 8, and Oxidized 16. I would also say these should be openable by hand, since these are here for aesthetic and required Redstone is a bit of a pain. Silver Doors would function opposite of Iron - they are openable by hand until you power them. When powered, they return to their closed state and are locked. Gold Doors would be openable at all times, and would only be able to be powered from the top half of the block. This is because the bottom block would act as a lever, powering only the block the door is placed on. This seems like the most technically challenging of the bunch to implement though, so it may be easier to just not allow Gold Doors to be powered at all and have them function as giant levers. Or, you could have them function more like observers, when they detect a signal change they would open for 3 seconds and then close automatically, whatever seems like it fits the best and isn't a pain in the ass to implement. Also, I just noticed the player places Trapdoors on the wrong side when compared to vanilla? Try placing them on the top of bottom faces of a block (not the sides) and they're flipped from vanilla's mechanics.

Since we're on the topic, I just considered other things Iron/Gold are used for that Copper/Silver could fit in, the first think I thought of was rails. Copper Rails would function like Powered Rails but each time it oxidizes, it boosts a little less - could be interesting for slower controlled speeds rather than the speed up/slow down Powered Rails provide. Silver Rails could do nothing when not powered, and when powered they would reverse the direction of the minecart, like a bumper. The functionality isn't too far off vanilla and still provides a unique usefulness. These ideas are mostly just for fun though, since that's much farther beyond the scope than the other suggestions!

EmilsGithub commented 9 months ago

Hi, took a bit of a break with Clutter but now I am back, this is the current / future state for these suggestions.

βœ… = Changed / Fixed / Implemented 🟧 = Maybe pile / Save for later πŸŸ₯ = Currently no


Pressure Plates:


Right now I won't be changing how any of the doors/trapdoors function.


Ultimushadow commented 9 months ago

Awesome, glad you're back! Looks like a decent amount is implemented already, thank you for giving thought to suggestions even if you won't be using them Speaking of which, for those marked save for later, if there are any which are on hold because of technical limitations, let me know if you'd be okay with implementing something else and I'll try to help think up some ideas Of course, if they're on hold because they're going to take time to implement, take your time! You put out a lot of updates before your break, I hope you're not over working yourself out anything