EmmaSchwarz / computational-dostoevsky

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Table for Goliadkin's speech verbs #29

Open blueciren opened 4 years ago

blueciren commented 4 years ago

For the additional information, I want to create the table for the verbs to put beside the graphs. I thought I need to deal with <for-each>, then the error message shows it should not appear within <xsl:styleshet>. According to what I remember from the skyrim assignment, <tr> under the <xsl:template match> was located inside the stylesheet. What should I do to make it valid? I pushed the file of the table for Gol speech verbs

djbpitt commented 4 years ago

@blueciren The error message doesn’t just say that <xsl:for-each> should not appear within <xsl:stylesheet>; is says that:

Element xsl:for-each must not appear directly within xsl:stylesheet

The “directly” is important; it means that <xsl:for-each> cannot appear on the child axis of <xsl:stylesheet>. In your Table_for_Gol_speech_verbs.xsl, you apply templates to all of the <ex> elements that have a @trans attribute. To process those, instead of the <xsl:for-each> (which can’t be a child of <xsl:stylesheet> anyway), what you want is <xsl:template match="ex">.

By the way, in the future, please give the exact filename of the file you’re referring to, and not just a prose description like “the file of the table for Gol speech verbs”. If you give the filename, I can find it easily because I can list the files in alphabetical order. If you give just a description, I have to read each of the filenames until I find one that fits the description.

blueciren commented 4 years ago

I am sorry I thought the file of the table for Gol speech verbs was enough. I will put the exact file name later.