Currently, when a user selects dates in the calendar and then switches to a different month, the selection from the previous month is not cleared. This can lead to unintended behavior:
If the user selects dates, switches months, and makes changes (e.g., removes or adds periods, symptoms, or ovulations), the changes also affect the previously selected dates without the user’s knowledge.
Steps to Reproduce
Open the calendar in the app.
Select one or more dates.
Switch to a different month.
Make changes (e.g., remove or add periods, symptoms, or ovulations) to the current month.
Notice that the changes also affect the dates selected in the previous month.
Expected Behavior
When switching to a new month, any previously selected dates should be cleared to prevent unintended changes.
Actual Behavior
Selected dates from the previous month remain active and are affected by changes made in the new month.
Proposed Solution
Clear the selection automatically when the user switches to a different month.
Acceptance Criteria
Switching months in the calendar clears any previously selected dates.
Users can make changes in the new month without unintentionally affecting dates from the previous month.
Additional Notes
This fix will ensure a smoother user experience and prevent accidental changes to previously selected dates.
Currently, when a user selects dates in the calendar and then switches to a different month, the selection from the previous month is not cleared. This can lead to unintended behavior:
Steps to Reproduce
Expected Behavior
Actual Behavior
Proposed Solution
Acceptance Criteria
Additional Notes
This fix will ensure a smoother user experience and prevent accidental changes to previously selected dates.