EmmanuelBeziat / vscode-great-icons

🆚 A big pack of icons (200+) for your files
MIT License
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Add firebase Icon to your package #256

Closed ChetSocio closed 1 year ago

ChetSocio commented 1 year ago

I love this file icon theme but it would be nicer if you add firebase too.

Files to add firebase icon for : .firebaserc , firebase.json , and more... firebase icon svg:

<svg viewBox="0 0 192 192" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
        <linearGradient gradientTransform="matrix(2.67 0 0 -2.67 317.23 -1808)" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" id="d" x1="-108.63" x2="-58.56" y1="-692.24" y2="-742.31">
         <stop offset="0" stop-color="#fff" stop-opacity=".1">
         <stop offset="1" stop-color="#fff" stop-opacity="0">
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         <stop offset="0" stop-color="#a52714">
         <stop offset=".4" stop-color="#a52714" stop-opacity=".5">
         <stop offset=".8" stop-color="#a52714" stop-opacity="0">
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         <stop offset="0" stop-color="#a52714" stop-opacity=".8">
         <stop offset=".5" stop-color="#a52714" stop-opacity=".21">
         <stop offset="1" stop-color="#a52714" stop-opacity="0">
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         <path d="M143.41 47.34a4 4 0 00-6.77-2.16L115.88 66 99.54 34.89a4 4 0 00-7.08 0l-8.93 17-22.4-41.77a4 4 0 00-7.48 1.28L32 150l57.9 32.46a12 12 0 0011.7 0L160 150z">
       <g clip-path="url(#a)">
        <path d="M32 150L53.66 11.39a4 4 0 017.48-1.27l22.4 41.78 8.93-17a4 4 0 017.08 0L160 150z" fill="#ffa000">
        <path d="M106 9L0 0v192l32-42L106 9z" fill="url(#b)" opacity=".12">
        <path d="M106.83 96.01l-23.3-44.12L32 150l74.83-53.99z" fill="#f57c00">
        <path d="M0 0h192v192H0z" fill="url(#c)" opacity=".2">
        <path d="M160 150L143.41 47.34a4 4 0 00-6.77-2.16L32 150l57.9 32.47a12 12 0 0011.7 0z" fill="#ffca28">
        <path d="M143.41 47.34a4 4 0 00-6.77-2.16L115.88 66 99.54 34.89a4 4 0 00-7.08 0l-8.93 17-22.4-41.77a4 4 0 00-7.48 1.28L32 150h-.08l. 67l20.78-20.8a4 4 0 016.78 2.16l16.45 101.74.16-.1zM32.19 149.81L53.66 12.39a4 4 0 017.48-1.28l22.4 41.78 8.93-17a4 4 0 017.08 0l16 30.43z" fill="#fff" fill-opacity=".2">
        <path d="M101.6 181.49a12 12 0 01-11.7 0l-57.76-32.4-.14.91 57.9 32.46a12 12 0 0011.7 0L160 150l-.15-.92z" fill="#a52714" opacity=".2" style="isolation:isolate">
        <path d="M143.41 47.34a4 4 0 00-6.77-2.16L115.88 66 99.54 34.89a4 4 0 00-7.08 0l-8.93 17-22.4-41.77a4 4 0 00-7.48 1.28L32 150l57.9 32.46a12 12 0 0011.7 0L160 150z" fill="url(#d)">
EmmanuelBeziat commented 1 year ago


Sorry for the long delay. Check out the new v2.1.93!

ChetSocio commented 1 year ago

Thanks now it seems complete :)