EmmyLua / IntelliJ-EmmyLua

Lua IDE/Debugger Plugin for IntelliJ IDEA
Apache License 2.0
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Broke my IntelliJ #424

Closed G0dC0der closed 1 year ago

G0dC0der commented 3 years ago

Installed EmmyLua, restarted IntelliJ and now crashes while I try to open it.


name version
IDEA version 2020.3(Can't check exact version since it's broken!)
EmmyLua version Latest I guess?
OS MacOS 11.3 (20E232)

What are the steps to reproduce this issue?

Just install it.

What happens?

When I try to open IntelliJ, I get an error message and then shuts down.

Any logs, error output, etc?

Pic of stacktrace(couldn't copy the text. Whenever I tried I got a new modal in my face with a NPE error) https://ibb.co/w679QmZ

G0dC0der commented 3 years ago

Question: How do I manually uninstall it?

CppCXY commented 3 years ago

lua plugin conflict.

G0dC0der commented 3 years ago

I never installed any lua plugin before.

Baertram commented 3 years ago

The most recent IntelliJ IDEA Update (cannot see the actual version as it it always freezing before I'm able to do so) is indexing the EmmyLua jar file and is never coming back then: https://i.imgur.com/IyAL71c.png

The only workaround is to end the task of IntelliJ IDEA via the task manager, and then manually delete the EmmyLua files mentioned at the screenshot so the indexing is not trying to crawl them.

After that you can check the IntelliJ IDEA version: IntelliJ IDEA 2021.1.1 (Ultimate Edition) Build #IU-211.7142.45, built on April 30, 2021 VM: Dynamic Code Evolution 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o. Windows 10 10.0

astrolemonade commented 3 years ago

I experience the same issue in GoLand @Baertram. Is there any solution that would leave EmmyLua functional?

astrolemonade commented 3 years ago

Building the plugin from source does not fix the issue

Baertram commented 3 years ago

I was somehow able to fix this via uninstalling the plugin, deleting the compete folders of he plugin and caches created in IntelliJ folders (c:\users...\ e.g. AppData etc. as well), invalidating caches within IntelliJ IDEA UI and restarting it again. Re-installing the plugin then fixed it for me after 3 tries. Not sure WHAT exactly was fixing it but since then it did not happen anymore.

But I get several errors now related to EmmyLUA as well if I try to index many files from local subfolders. Everything else though seems to work.

astrolemonade commented 3 years ago

What do you think @tangzx ?

jc-dgit commented 3 years ago

Similar happened here on macOS 11.2.3 (Big Sur). Installed lua and luarocks using Homebrew, then installed the EmmyLua plugin via IDEA Marketplace.

Message at the bottom of the gui shows "Indexing Lua 5...", with the IDEA gui then locking up completely (beach ball) and never coming back (waited ~20 mins).

Had to kill -9 the main IDEA gui process. Restarted IDEA, and it immediately starting "Indexing Lua 5" again... locking up the gui. kill -9 again.

My workaround was to brew uninstall lua luarocks (then delete the left over config files), then start IDEA again (with the intention to remove EmmyLua). But, before I uninstalled the plugin, I decided to try installing Lua and Luarocks a second time.

Now, the weird hang of IDEA isn't happening. It seems to all be working. No idea how to investigate the problem though, but this above info might be useful for figuring out something useful. :smile:

As reference info, this is the IDEA version this happened with:

IntelliJ IDEA 2021.1.1 (Ultimate Edition)
Build #IU-211.7142.45, built on April 30, 2021
Runtime version: 11.0.10+9-b1341.41 x86_64
VM: Dynamic Code Evolution 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o.
macOS 11.2.3
GC: G1 Young Generation, G1 Old Generation
Memory: 2048M
Cores: 8
Non-Bundled Plugins: com.tang (, org.jetbrains.plugins.go (211.7142.36)
Kotlin: 211-1.4.32-release-IJ7142.27
jc-dgit commented 3 years ago

Looking through the reported issues, both #50 and #414 could be the same as this too.

CDAGaming commented 3 years ago

Can affirm the same issue has been occurring on my end.

CDAGaming commented 3 years ago

One month later, still occuring on latest version. Definitely won't be recommending this software in the future. Best of luck.

adriweb commented 3 years ago

You could always check if the Luanalysis fork has the same issue.

jc-dgit commented 3 years ago

One month later, still occuring on latest version. Definitely won't be recommending this software in the future. Best of luck.

Same. Just deleted it and moved on personally.

frowcallaway commented 1 year ago

It actually breaks all IDEA based IDE's Pycharm broke when I tried to use the plugin same with Rider, Webstorm and CLion

CppCXY commented 1 year ago

It actually breaks all IDEA based IDE's Pycharm broke when I tried to use the plugin same with Rider, Webstorm and CLion

check first if there are other lua plugins installed, if then only one can be retained. then rebuild the index: File>Invalid Caches

Baertram commented 1 year ago

It actually breaks all IDEA based IDE's Pycharm broke when I tried to use the plugin same with Rider, Webstorm and CLion

Works fine for me with EmmyLua installed, on IntelliJ IDEA 2022.2.2. !>But I'm not using Pycharm nor Rider, Webstorm and CLion

As CppCXY said try to remove other LUA plugins and invalidate teh caches and indices. https://i.imgur.com/cJYJNcU.png

andres-canva commented 1 year ago

Idea had a simple syntax highlighting for Lua files before I installed (and uninstalled) the plugin. Any ideas on how to make my IDE go back to normal? I tried invalidating caches already, didn't work.

CppCXY commented 1 year ago

Please upgrade to 2022.3 and install emmylua 1.3.8

andres-canva commented 1 year ago

Not an option for me to upgrade my IDEA version. I just found the solution:

  1. Go to Settings -> Editor -> File Types
  2. Remove the *.lua pattern from the Text file type.

I guess the plugin's uninstall process didn't clean that configuration up.