EmotiBit / ofxEmotiBit

OpenFrameworks library and examples for the EmotiBit
MIT License
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Add payload labels for `LM` typetag payload #130

Closed nitin710 closed 2 years ago

nitin710 commented 2 years ago

Add the following labels in some repo

nitin710 commented 2 years ago

Adding payload labels in EmotiBit_XPlat_utils

        static const char* LSL_MARKER_DESTINATION_TIMESTAMP;
        static const char* LSL_MARKER_SOURCE_TIMESTAMP;
        static const char* LSL_LOCAL_CLOCK_TIMESTAMP;
        static const char* LSL_MARKER_DATA;
nitin710 commented 2 years ago

TS: Marker source computer time TSC: Marker destination computer time LC: ? LD: LSL data

Link to ofxLSL code for the timestamps: https://github.com/EmotiBit/ofxLSL/blob/16a4b70933ee0583b609961cb986634a7207aa30/src/ofxLSL.h#L15-L19

Need to figure out what the difference is between LC in LM and TX

produceconsumerobot commented 2 years ago

See also https://github.com/EmotiBit/ofxEmotiBit/issues/126

nitin710 commented 2 years ago

changes made to the XPlat_Utils repo: https://github.com/EmotiBit/EmotiBit_XPlat_Utils/pull/20