EmotionCognitionLab / pvs

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Change a few stimuli for the Pattern Separation Task #341

Closed nashiro closed 1 year ago

nashiro commented 1 year ago

For Set 10 of the pattern separation task, please replace the following images with new ones.

  1. replace “nob_old_wood_cabinet1” with “nob_toy_shark1”
  2. replace “nob_old_wood_cabinet2” with “nob_toy_shark2”

Note: the reason for making these changes is because “nob_old_wood_cabinet1” and “nob_old_wood_cabinet2” were already used in Set 2 under different names (i.e., "nob_dresser1" and nob_dresser2").

noah10 commented 1 year ago

JFYI, these images weren't quite identical. If you pull open each image in a new tab you'll see that one item in each pair is slightly larger than the other:

https://pvs-pictures.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/pat/dresser2.jpg https://pvs-pictures.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/pat/old_wood_cabinet1.jpg

https://pvs-pictures.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/pat/old_wood_cabinet2.jpg https://pvs-pictures.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/pat/dresser1.jpg

I imagine that doesn't matter - it's just unfortunate because it makes the job of automatically detecting this kind of error much harder.

The requested change has been made and is ready to be tested.

nashiro commented 1 year ago

Tested and all looks good - thank you!

Thanks for letting me know that the paired images are not the same size. It would be nice, but not critical, that they are the same size.