Empirical-org-Archive / angular-firebase-cms

A generic angular CMS module for firebase applications
GNU General Public License v3.0
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General CMS Approach #1

Open wlaurance opened 9 years ago

wlaurance commented 9 years ago

The content in our CMS will be models. We are going to use a schema builder tool called alpaca http://www.alpacajs.org/.

The inputs to the module will be an array of alpacajs schema objects, firebase url, and firebase credentials.

The outputs will be generated forms that match the schema types and that CRUD those schema types against the provided firebase credentials.

I see each instance of a firebase-cms running on heroku where the inputs are provided by the ENV.

There are three main components of the firebase-cms.

  1. Module to read provided schemas and generate forms
  2. Module to handle CRUD Actions on provided schemas
  3. Auth/Authorization for CRUDing against provided schemas

Component 1 is generally solved by alpacajs and will be general pipe fitting.

Component 2 is to build a generic API where the frontend alpacajs module hits on it's host. Then using a server side component, make the necessary requests to/from firebase using the credentials from the ENV.

Component 3 is a mixture of frontend code and server side code. Eventually this will utilize the firebase security rules.

petergault commented 9 years ago

Follow up notes:

marcellosachs commented 9 years ago

@wlaurance alpaca seems pretty cool, and it will be nice to be able to make this modular. One question is - why are we hitting a server and then hitting firebase, why not just hit firebase directly from the alpaca form?

marcellosachs commented 9 years ago

(or some angular service that the service handling the alpaca form depends on)

marcellosachs commented 9 years ago

also @wlaurance @kriskelly does defining a schema save that much time over defining an angular form (https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/forms) ? You guys have more experience with angular but thought I'd be the devil's advocate.

marcellosachs commented 9 years ago

this is another potential - https://github.com/Textalk/angular-schema-form

wlaurance commented 9 years ago

Nice find on the angular-schema-form @marcellosachs

wlaurance commented 9 years ago

So a follow up after yesterday's conversation.

marcellosachs commented 9 years ago

@wlaurance thanks, glad my babble came to some use!