Emplexx / Aluminium

An Android AniList Client
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Priority on list entries #20

Open toasterovenly opened 1 month ago

toasterovenly commented 1 month ago

The "priority" feature from AL-Chan is good and I miss it when using Aluminium. This is one of the things making me not want to fully stop using AL-Chan.

How it works: I can set a priority for each item on my list. There is a slider selector in the edit page of a list entry. The priority is indicated when viewing your list and can be used to sort and filter the current list view.

Use case: I mostly do it when I add something to my planning list so when I go to start a new show I can just browse the ones that I marked as high priority (because I was more excited to watch them). This prevents having to browse through my entire planning list (currently over 200 shows).

Challenges: This isn't a feature of AniList itself as far as I can tell, so it would be data you would have store in your own database, which makes this feature seem like an unreasonable ask. But I do still want it.


The way AL-Chan shows priority. The right side of the list entry has a colored bar. I think blue is "very high" (5), then cyan is "high" (4), then green is "medium" (3), etc. The exact colors aren't the point, just explaining how they did it. Screenshot_20240508-150753

The way AL-Chan lets you edit priority. This shows the slider for setting priority, which really should show the name (e.g. "very high") and not just the number. In the background of the slider dialog you can see it shows the currently assigned priority in the list entry edit screen. Screenshot_20240508-150813

Emplexx commented 1 month ago

This isn't a feature of AniList itself as far as I can tell

Funnily enough, it is a part of their API, but the website doesn't seem to make use of it for some reason

I'm curious, do you make use of all 5 levels of priority? Would 4 be enough?

toasterovenly commented 1 month ago

That is funny. I get it though. Sometimes you don't have time to finish something and then you never get to go back and finish it.

I use 0 (for no priority) and then I often use 3-5 (medium, high, very high). I rarely use 1 or 2 (very low, low) because why am I putting it on my list if I am not that interested to watch/read it? But I have used them in the past a few times. Like this season I marked a show as low because it is trash isekai. But then I started watching it just because I wanted something to zone out to that was low-investment.