Emplexx / Aluminium

An Android AniList Client
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Change the default status when adding an item to your list to "planning" #24

Open toasterovenly opened 4 months ago

toasterovenly commented 4 months ago

When I add an item to my list, IMHO the default status should be planning, not watching/reading.

Use case: 99% of the time, when I add an anime/manga to my list, it is being added to my planning list. I very very rarely add an item and immediately start consuming it.

Worth mentioning that I have been an AL_Chan user for years and that app does pre-populate the status with "planning" so maybe this friction point is partially because I am used to it that way. However, if I have to do 2 extra taps every time, then it seems like an unnecessary point of friction to have to do those taps.

I would be very interested to see statistics about which status is the most commonly picked when an item is added to someone's list on AniList.

I checked on the AniList website and if you add an item to your list without specifying the status there, then it defaults to "watching". So I guess changing the default for all users might cause some confusion for people who aren't me. However, without breaking that behavior, you can just pre-populate the status choice in the add to list menu so it is filled with "planning" instead of being blank.

Perhaps this should be a setting that the user can pick for their (Aluminium, not AniList) account. I.e. choose the default status when adding new items. That way Aluminium wouldn't be forcing anyone to use a different behavior from the AniList website.