Emplexx / Aluminium

An Android AniList Client
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Progress Update #28

Open Soveien opened 1 week ago

Soveien commented 1 week ago

By no means do I wish to come across as pushy or impatient. I completely understand how long development of any kind takes, and how difficult it can be. I've been using the app for a little bit now, and I've greatly enjoyed all I've seen and used with 0 issues so far. Incredible work!! Though, one feature I've greatly missed is the "Explore/browse page" quoted from the anilist forum post. 9 months have passed (according to the forum) and I haven't found any update on progress. (Though I tend to be very blind sometimes). Just wondering how things are coming along. Hope to see the browse page soon!

(Edit, I thought I added the question label but maybe I didn't. Not sure how to add it after making a post. I apologize)

Emplexx commented 1 week ago

Thank you for using my app, I'm very happy you like it. The 9 months you're referring to is time since I posted that thread (so, roughly since the app was released) and the bit you're quoting was edited in way later

This is what filtering anime looks like at the moment https://x.com/emplexx/status/1788704765389545786?t=dmUTuYL9QoqUY6Xuumf5Yw&s=19 As you can see the basic skeleton is there, but I still need to add several filters and features, make it look and behave nicer I also need to work out a design for the browse tab itself

In any case I am currently taking a break from working on Aluminium because I need to focus on something else. So I can't give any ETA for the browse feature overall

Soveien commented 1 week ago

And thank you for the nice reply! Honestly, we need more devs like you who are overall nice people and can take feedback without outraging 😂

Personal opinion, I use the browse page as more of a 'Discover' page. I can see in the preview you sent (which btw looks amazing as always) that its currently showing the "All Time Popular" section under Anilist's "Browse > anime" tab. I would like to see the other sections added. Specifically the "Trending Now", "Popular This Season" and "Coming This Season". as those are really the only sections I use when I "browse" Anilist.

Take Kotatsu for example. If I want to 'discover' new manga, I go to the "Discover" tab, select my source, and I have a nice grid view of popular (or other filters) manga. Obviously, Anilist doesn't have sources. But Kotatsu makes it incredibly easy and intuitive to discover new manga. I hope to see similar things in Aluminium. Another thing Kotatsu has that I want to mention is a nice filters button which displays all available filters. You were showing off the search feature for your filters, which makes it intuitive if you know what you're looking for. But for someone who doesn't know genre's, tags, etc, it's hard to find what you want. I'm sure this is mostly already in Aluminium, considering when you searched "Comedy" for example, it showed it was under the "Genre" section. Which I assume you can tap on for a list of all genre filters.

Apologies if I rambled for super long. Long story short, I would love to be able to use the browse page as more of a discover page to find new anime and manga I'd be interested in watching and reading in a neatly presented grid view with section filters. (trending now, popular this season and coming this season)

thanks for the read

Emplexx commented 1 week ago

"Trending Now", "Popular This Season" and "Coming This Season". as those are really the only sections I use when I "browse" Anilist.

The browse tab itself will probably be a view of these different sections (pretty much just like AniList) which upon tapping will take you to the page with filters (the one shown in the video) but with the filters and sorting corresponding to that section already applied

Nice filters button which displays all available filters

This will be the case, the filters button brings up a list of all available filter groups, which upon tapping bring up the available values (eg, tapping on Genres will reveal a list of all genres, Format -> list of all formats, etc), search is optional (it's for when you already know what you want, since you don't have to spend time parsing the UI looking for it and can just type it in instead)