Emplexx / Aluminium

An Android AniList Client
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[Bug] Sanitize complex Unicode (Emoji) characters before posting/replying #3

Closed nattadasu closed 6 months ago

nattadasu commented 6 months ago

The bug will happened when you want to create a post or replying to a post with complex Unicode characters (Emoji is the biggest use case)

Why? AniList seems to use MySQL as their database backend and their system does not support emoji space. Read Emoji Support / How do I use emojis? and GoBusto's post and related post.

The only workaround is converting those emoji to HTML character entity.

Reproduce Steps

  1. Create a new post, send a post reply, or reply to a forum
  2. Embed an emoji to the post
  3. Observe

Expected Behavior

Post will retain its characters

Observed Behavior

Some characters will be replaced to ? or sometime missing.




Emplexx commented 6 months ago

Thanks for the request! I now fixed this, you'll see it in the next update