Emplexx / Aluminium

An Android AniList Client
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[Feature Request] Quickly return to homepage #40

Open Fmoment1 opened 1 month ago

Fmoment1 commented 1 month ago

Helpful for when you've gone too deep into anime/manga relations and want to go back to the homepage quickly. Currently we have to manually go back each page until we reach square one.

Emplexx commented 1 month ago

Unfortunately I don't think this will happen due to technical limitations. The app is using an activity (think of it like a window) per screen, while having bottom navigation on all screens would require for all screens to be fragments (which are embeddable into activities) and the app to use a single-activity architecture.

Basically I'd need to rewrite all screens while also losing benefits such as hassle free navigation, (good) predictive back animations, easy to work with screens (fragments are infamous for being weird), etc

Fmoment1 commented 1 month ago

Understandable. Scrapping this idea, could it be possible to implement a way for users to go back to homepage in one action, within the current limitations?

Emplexx commented 1 month ago

I can only think of long pressing the back button for it or something like that

Fmoment1 commented 1 month ago

That sounds nice, would be better if it's something more attuned to one-handed usage, but I can't complain too much. I'm changing the title to be more appropriate.

This isn't really a big deal for me btw, just a feature that'd be "nice to have". Thanks for considering!