Emurgo / cardano-serialization-lib

This is a library, written in Rust, for serialization & deserialization of data structures used in Cardano's Haskell implementation of Alonzo along with useful utility functions.
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Reference script to_bytes() includes tag 24 cbor wrapper #669

Open Scitz0 opened 3 months ago

Scitz0 commented 3 months ago

When creating the json request to pass along to Ledger and Trezor hardware wallets we use CSL to deserialize the transaction cbor. For reference scripts in outputs, we noticed that when calling output.script_ref().to_bytes() it included the tag 24 cbor wrapper (not sure of proper nomenclature), ie d8 18 (tag(24)) + 59 04db (bytes(1243)) as in below example cbor. I didn't find a way to access the actual bytes of the value (82025904d...) for the reference script using CSL.

In comparison with inline datum in same example, defined as [ 0, $hash32 // 1, data ] where data = #6.24(bytes .cbor plutus_data) in CDDL.

82 01 d8 18 43 d87980 
82     = array
01     = inline datum
d8 18  = tag(24)
43     = bytes(3)
d87980 = actual value

When we access the inline datum using output.plutus_data().to_bytes() we only get the actual value d87980, not the additional tag(24) and byte count.

Privously I have noticed that there was two functions available, to_bytes() and as_bytes() with the latter returning wrapping code and former didn't (could be misremembering). For reference script, I can only see the to_bytes() function while for inline datum both are present. Could the same behavior be replicated for reference script as for inline datum?

Example cbor:


Using CSL 12 alpha 22

lisicky commented 3 months ago

Hi @Scitz0 ! If I understand you correctly you need to have original plutus script bytes of inlined script, right ? To do it you can call output.script_ref().plutus_script() , if it is a plutus script

Scitz0 commented 3 months ago

@lisicky incorrect :)

We need to pass along bytes (in hex) including the "type" plutus vs native that I assume the first two bytes represent. If I decode above cbor through https://cbor.nemo157.com/ and look at reference script section it looks like this: Screenshot_20240403_161122 If I call output.script_ref().plutus_script().to_bytes() I'm missing the first two bytes 8202 that I assume describe that its a plutus script and not a native script. But if I call output.script_ref().to_bytes() I get too much, ie like I described also the tag(24) and byte count.

lisicky commented 3 months ago

Okay here script_ref CDDL and you need just CBOR of script part of it ?

Scitz0 commented 3 months ago

Correct, so bytes of entire script thing. This is what Ledger and Trezor expect that we pass along in the request.

lisicky commented 3 months ago

@Scitz0 if it is not urgent I guess we can add it in next two weeks

lisicky commented 3 months ago

You can also decode cbor via https://cardananium.github.io/cquisitor/ , it is more user friendly in some cases

Scitz0 commented 3 months ago

Its not urgent no, just good to have option to get bytes this way in a future version. For now we solved it by utilizing another cbor lib to extract the bytes.

lisicky commented 2 weeks ago

Sorry @Scitz0 for delay. ScriptRef now has to_unwrapped_bytes function, in the latest 12.0.0 beta release. Could you check it ?

Scitz0 commented 2 weeks ago

Ok great, I will leave on a two week vacation shortly so bad timing. Though I'm sure its working properly.