Emurgo / project-icarus-importer

Icarus, a reference implementation for a lightweight wallet developed by the IOHK Engineering Team.
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Attempt at Address Discrimination #14

Open SebastienGllmt opened 5 years ago

SebastienGllmt commented 5 years ago

I didn't fully update the lib/configuration.yaml since it adds a new field requiresNetworkMagic which our code can't parse. It also plays around with applicationVersion and stuff like that but I left it out (hopefully it's fine. Who knows)

This code will compile and run but you will run into this error on every block:

BlockNetLogicException: DialogUnexpected "0th output is invalid:\n' reason: address 37btjrVyb4KE8iT8sE15jVwFag23v5RTa1atAm5W5ve4zP27z8SbGVnJNAox3kX8vCgxaGRdkJkgKorGCCLqT8rxTSSdBFvHMXSq42k23zSz7CRqC5 has unknown attributes"

This is again because of the requiresNetworkMagic change. I tried my best to see if we can ad-hoc add this into our code but every hack I could come up with ends up cascading into having to pull in way too much code from the cardano-sl branch which we just cannot do (would take wayyy too long)

I'm basically giving up on this since unless some Cardano-SL developer comes in with some random kung-fu moves there's no easy way to surgically figure out how to hack this code without it spiraling out of control in changes required.