EnAppelsin / SHARCarRandomiser

Randomiser Mod for Simpsons Hit & Run
13 stars 6 forks source link

A few more recomendations #21

Open logaz0 opened 6 years ago

logaz0 commented 6 years ago

If you feel like you want to continue working on this mod, here are a few recommendations you could try (I'm not sure if all of these are even possible though)

Basic suggestions:

Randomize number of laps for street races

Randomize payout for wager races

Random number of drops for hit and collect and follow and collect missions

Random sound effects (Knocking over a lamp post could sound like collecting a wrench for example)

One of the newer features of the mod launcher allows you to put multiple traffic sets in the levels, and also have more than five vehicles in each set. The Donut Mod beta does a good job utilizing this, by making different traffic vehicles appear in each section of the level. I have found out how to implement this, and have an unreleased mod that does much the same thing on level 1. Essentially, random traffic vehicles should have an option to make a different random set of five traffic vehicles appear in each section of the map. While making my unreleased mod, I found out that if you add lots of different traffic cars to the level, it raises the chance of unexpected crashing. Ideally, you could just edit the existing traffic set by putting every vehicle in the game in it, however, if you do this, you probably wont be able to play for more than a few minutes before it crashes. If you need help in understanding how this works, I can give you my unreleased mod.

Chaos Mode:

Random cars from phone booth was implemented, but I have found a minor bug that you may want to fix. No matter what car you get from the phone booth, it will have the same sounds as the car you chose from the phone booth, not the one you actually got. This is less noticeable when random car sounds is activated, but is very noticeable when it is not active. For example, if you are not using random car sounds, and you choose the family sedan from the phone booth, but you get the speed rocket instead, the speed rocket will sound like the family sedan. If random car sounds is active, then the speed rocket will sound like whatever the family sedan's car sound was changed to, not what the speed rocket was changed to.

Randomize reward costumes

Random objective order

Update "Random mission order" to randomize the pre-mission setup and the actual mission separately (This will often cause a large bug where models and collisions don't load in properly until the mission is restarted, however this does not cause crashes etc. And besides, it's chaos mode! An example would be you start level 1, and you are told to do the pre mission setup for "Flowers By Irene" (Entering the Simpson house, sitting on the sofa), but once you get to the actual mission, you are put into "Office Spaced" instead)

Have an option to allow duplicates to appear in mission order randomization (For example, if this option is enabled, the same mission may appear more than once in a level, while some missions may not appear at all.)

This one is only possible if the previous two are implemented. Have street races, wager races, and bonus missions included in the random mission selection (obviously only for the main mission randomization, because side missions don't have a pre mission setup file. An example would be that you start level 1, and you are told to do the set up for "Blind big brother"(Go to the powerplant, enter the office), but once you actually get to the mission, it makes you do the circuit race instead. Later, you attempt to start the wager race, but it makes you do a story mission)

Random level order

Random missions in levels (probably wont work, and even if it did, if the game for example, makes you do a level 6 mission on the level 1 map, it would probably be impossible, due to target locations being out of bounds etc. But hey, it isn't called "chaos mode" for nothing!)

As well as "Remove car and costume requirements", there could be an option for "Random car/costume requirements", and randomly select missions for them. (It will only choose from cars/ costumes that you can get at that point in the game)For example, L4M1 may only allow me to start if I am driving "Fire Truck", or a different randomly selected vehicle that is obtainable in levels 1-4.

Random spawn locations (For player character, AI characters, vehicles, items etc.)

Random maps

And one big suggestion, for the far future of this mod (because right now, it would be very hard to make, perhaps not even possible) : Completely randomly generated missions.

"Random items" should be moved to normal randomizations, because, for now at least, it does not affect gameplay. It was changed to be more chaotic, but it does not comply with with the description that chaos randomizations are given in the Randomiser Settings. Unlike the other chaos randomizations, Random items, while chaotic in nature, does not affect actual gameplay, and does not ruin speedrun strats. This could be misleading to new users, because they are going to think that it does affect gameplay, but it actually doesn't. It can be moved back to chaos randomisations if it is able to randomize other ingame items such as wrenches, coins and collector cards, so that it actually does affect gameplay.

These are just some recommendations of what to implement if you feel like working of this some more. I am in no way trying to make you feel obligated to implement them, they are just some ideas of what could be implemented. If you do decide to continue working on this, do consider the ideas here, or perhaps, you have some other ideas of what to implement that I haven't thought of.

If I think of more ideas, I will update this list. Other users reading this, feel free to add your own suggestions.

23/08/2018: Just realized that the 2.0 beta was actually available to download from the releases page (I had only been checking the "code" page.) Removed some suggestions that have been implemented. I have added a few new ones and separated them into "basic" and "chaos mode". Also, regarding Hampo's comment on the "random reward cars" suggestion, a recent Lucas Mod Launcher update adds a hack called "3D Phone Booth Previews", which eliminates the need for new images. If it does require new files, they could just be copied from the base game.

24/09/2018: Had a look at the new Beta 6, and removed some recommendations and added new ones.

26/08/2019: Had a look at the new beta 2, and removed some recommendations and added a new one.

12/10/2019: Had a look at the new 2.1 beta 2, and removed some recommendations, and revised some existing ones.

Hampo commented 6 years ago

Randomize reward cars:

Randomise reward costume:

Different vehicles for missions with repeat vehicles:

Randomise bonus vehicles:

Randomize pre-set pedestrians:

Randomise number of laps for street races:

User-set random stat limits:

Randomized character dialogue and mission directives:

More random drivers:

Random number of collect items:

Me, EnAppelsin and Gadie are all still working on this, spending quite a lot of our free time on it. I got into this project because I enjoy it, and it appears the community likes it. Whilst there are still things to do, I'll most likely still be working on it.

One extra note: this project is on GitHub for a reason, and we encourage others to fork from the dev branch and add features themselves. If they pass testing we'll happily merge them into the full build + give full credit. If you want something done, and we're working on a different feature and haven't got to yours yet, I would encourage you to have a stab at it yourself. My Discord DMs are always open for any queries about how things are done, or how to do things. Just add Proddy#7272.

Hampo commented 6 years ago

Randomise pre-set pedestrians, User-set random stat limits and More random drivers have all be pushed to the dev branch for 1.9, due to be released as soon as we get a proper test.

Hampo commented 5 years ago

Hey Logaz, are you still active? There's a beta hopefully coming soon that implements a fair few of your suggestions.

Hampo commented 5 years ago

As mentioned, here's the beta: https://github.com/EnAppelsin/SHARCarRandomiser/releases/tag/v2.1-beta.1

logaz0 commented 5 years ago

I am still here.

While I have this opportunity, I think I should bring a few bugs with this mod, that have not yet been fixed, to your attention, although you may already know about them, if so you can ignore this.

1: I already said in the top post, but that was a long time ago and still has not been fixed. The traffic cars in the street races are not entirely random. They don't have random stats when the option is enabled, and the cars themselves, which doesn't seem to matter much now anyway because their stats have not changed, are randomly chosen only out of the traffic cars in that level. This does not affect cars in street races that are not traffic cars (for example, the Honer Roller in the level 1 street races), they are randomized correctly.

2: While street races are worst affected by this, it seems to extend to story missions as well, which means that The pizza van in "Bart n' Frink" only randomized to a different traffic car, and their stats don't change. Now I know that you already know this, but I have discovered that this bug also extends to police cars. The police cars in L4M1 ("A Few Donuts More"), and L5M6 ("Never Trust a Snake"), as well as the Hearse in the Level 7 street races are always changed to what the police car for that level was changed to, if random chase cars are enabled, otherwise, it wont change at all. But no matter whether it is changed or not, it's stats will remain the same.

3: If random player character is enabled, the game softlocks at the conversation with Cletus at the end of L2M5 ("Better Than Beef")

You actually released the beta while I was writing this, so sorry if you already addressed some of these. I will check it out and edit my original post and remove the suggestions that you said you implemented, and perhaps add some new ones that I have.

Hampo commented 5 years ago

1) that is fixed in the beta listed above

2) also fixed in the beta above

3) also fixed in the beta above

Apologies for the delay in getting these resolved, there were delays and lack of motivation. But I'm back working on it now

Hampo commented 5 years ago

I typed the above comment on my phone, I've just re-read point 2. The issue with street races and traffic cars is now resolved. The issue with Police Cars is fixed in my local build and will be in the next release (or earlier if it causes crashes or anything).

1 and 3 however are both resolved in the latest Beta.

If you would like to talk about anything more directly, you're welcome to use the discord server which I believe you joined recently.

logaz0 commented 5 years ago

I just looked at the the beta you released. Perhaps you released the wrong one? Because the issue with police cars is resolved in the build that you released, but your saying that it shouldn't be solved?

Hampo commented 5 years ago

The new build uses a modular system, that runs the modules in no specific order. There is a chance in the beta that the RandomChaseCar module will run before RandomMissionVehicles, and if it does it has the chance of crashing.

In my local copy I've removed the bit of code that would cause that: https://github.com/EnAppelsin/SHARCarRandomiser/blob/Modular-Scripts/Randomiser/Resources/MissionModules/RandomChase.lua#L22 Line 22-26 is no longer needed.

Hampo commented 5 years ago

The new build uses a modular system, that runs the modules in no specific order. There is a chance in the beta that the RandomChaseCar module will run before RandomMissionVehicles, and if it does it has the chance of crashing.

In my local copy I've removed the bit of code that would cause that: https://github.com/EnAppelsin/SHARCarRandomiser/blob/Modular-Scripts/Randomiser/Resources/MissionModules/RandomChase.lua#L22 Line 22-26 is no longer needed.

Last comment is no longer relevant as I have published the code that fixes the issue.

Hampo commented 4 years ago

Bonus vehicles (and phone booth vehicles) are now randomised in v2.1 beta 2. Random Items is now a bit more chaotic too with the ability to include characters and cars, and randomising every item.