EnMAP-Box / enmap-box

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[Spectral View >Import Spectral Profiles] most raster profiles under a polygon are missing #919

Open janzandr opened 3 weeks ago

janzandr commented 3 weeks ago

When importing all profiles covered by polygons, most of the pixel profiles are missing in the library: image

E.g. for this forest patch, I only get a single pixel profile: image

I would expect get all the pixel profiles covered by the forst patch.

janzandr commented 3 weeks ago

@jakimowb it is not really clear what the current logic is, by just looking at the dialog: image

I guess you just take the first pixel you find for a polygon (?). Or do you aggregate all the pixels? I would suggest to extract all the pixels -> this would fix the bug.

Final result should look like this: image

janzandr commented 3 weeks ago

Also, the progress bar isn't updating correctly, because of a TypeError: TypeError: setValue(self, progress: int): argument 1 has unexpected type 'float'

jakimowb commented 3 weeks ago

https://github.com/EnMAP-Box/enmap-box/issues/919#issuecomment-2151747525 @janzandr is this the right screenshot? In case of the land_cover_potsdam_point dataset there is no need to handle multiple profile per (polygon)-geometry.

janzandr commented 3 weeks ago

#919 (comment) @janzandr is this the right screenshot? In case of the land_cover_potsdam_point dataset there is no need to handle multiple profile per (polygon)-geometry.

The Screenshot is showing the wrong layers. I used the enmap_potsdam and polygons.