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Switch to alpine linux docker image #21

Closed joeky888 closed 3 years ago

joeky888 commented 3 years ago

Hello there.

Now we have the alpine linux based image, e.g eqalpha/keydb:alpine_x86_64_v6.0.16 and the size is about 10x smaller (8.33MB vs. 79.33MB).

However, I can not get it work because the alpine one does not bundle with the bash binary, so we have to modify the shebang from




In order to use alpine built-in ash And some changes to the script are also needed.

Are you interested in switching to alpine based image?

benschermel commented 3 years ago

As an FYI, the Alpine build is not yet as stable as the Ubuntu image so I would hold off for a bit. I have updated the docker homepage to reflect the status of the Alpine build as experimental. KeyDB currently runs and builds with Alpine, but KeyDB has a few outstanding issues before considering Alpine builds stable

Antiarchitect commented 3 years ago

Reopen when Alpine builds become stable