Encode-Club-Solidity-Foundations / Lesson-01

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How do testnets work? #41

Open andrewztan opened 1 year ago

andrewztan commented 1 year ago

I am a bit puzzled at how testnets work. In the Ethereum main network, participants must pay gas to interact with the blockchain to miners/stakers who put in work/stake to keep the blockchain up and running. People are submitting txns on testnet too, and I assume someone still needs to put in work/stake to approve the txns and keep the testnet up. Who is paying for this gas on testnet? Thanks!

MatheusDaros commented 1 year ago

The testnets are much less secure and stable than mainnet. This is why they can't be used for production apps. But that also makes them quite easier to maintain. Most testnets are maintained by the community of developers and organizations that maintain the blockchains.