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Comments for Looking at development environments with DevCamps and Vagrant #1026

Open phinjensen opened 6 years ago

phinjensen commented 6 years ago

Comments for https://www.endpointdev.com/blog/2014/08/looking-at-development-environments/ By Spencer Christensen

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phinjensen commented 6 years ago
original author: Jon Jensen
date: 2014-08-25T18:02:16-04:00

Good list of pros and cons, Spencer.

Note that the default camp setup using nonstandard ports for services is just a default. If you have enough public IP addresses, you can certainly use a different IP address and standard ports for each camp. Many people won't want to pay for that many IPv4 addresses, but IPv6 addresses are cheap and the IPv4 web access can be proxied through a single reverse proxy that routes its traffic based on subdomain, for those without IPv6 access.

As to editing remote camp files with a local editor, people often do that with sshfs. The options are really the same as with Vagrant, although unencrypted protocols like NFS would be unwise across the open Internet.

The Vagrant Cloud option is nice, but for people using a laptop to host the VM, it still requires that their laptop be up and available for anyone else to access the services.

To work around that problem, it would be possible to use Vagrant locally and Vagrant or camps on a server, and do all intense development locally but always push up the state of work to the dev server before shutting down. Kind of a hybrid local and satellite approach that solves the problems of access by testers and for backups.

Another approach altogether would be to use Docker and Fig, designed just for this case: http://www.fig.sh/, though conventions of port mapping, a convenient index page, etc. on servers still would need to be set up. (Thanks to Ethan Rowe for pointing out Fig.)

Vessel builds on Vagrant and is worth a look - http://awvessel.github.io/, though it currently works only on Mac OS X and so is not useful for many of us.

phinjensen commented 6 years ago
original author: Spencer Christensen
date: 2014-08-27T13:15:11-04:00

Thanks Jon.

You're right about the IP addresses and ports. There are ways to handle that as you describe, but it would take some effort up front to customize the camps system to do that. On the other hand, with a dedicated VM server you would also need to deal with IP addresses for each VM, so the issue of access is still there just slightly different.

I haven't tried out Docker yet, nor Fig, but I'd like to. Thanks for the info on Fig and Vessel! I'll check them out.