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Comments for The Orange Code #88

Open phinjensen opened 6 years ago

phinjensen commented 6 years ago

Comments for https://www.endpointdev.com/blog/2009/01/orange-code/ By Jon Jensen

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phinjensen commented 6 years ago
original author: Ethan Rowe
date: 2009-01-15T06:06:00-05:00

On jazz musicians being classically trained, thus understanding the "rules":

Which is not to take away from the value of the sentiments expressed, only to pick my usual nit with the human tendency to make obviously-absurd statements about musical things.

phinjensen commented 6 years ago
original author: Steven Jenkins
date: 2009-01-15T10:16:00-05:00

While I enjoy reading books like 'The Orange Code', it's been my experience that a clear, well-articulated, shared vision is a key factor in the success of an organization. The actual contents of the vision often do not matter as much as the sense of community obtained by having the shared vision in the first place.

The environment around an organization matters as well. If there is a sense of crisis, that everyone must band together in order for the organization and the individuals to survive, then the urgency presents yet another building block for the organization to use.

With all that said, I like the quotes you've pulled out, and I'd be interested in reading the book as well.

phinjensen commented 6 years ago
original author: Jon Jensen
date: 2009-01-16T00:15:00-05:00

Steven, it's funny you mention that "a clear, well-articulated, shared vision is a key factor in the success of an organization", since that's probably the major thesis of the book. :)

phinjensen commented 6 years ago
original author: BrandCowboy
date: 2009-01-16T14:03:00-05:00

Hey, Ethan,

I appreciate your comment. This was a useful cliche for me just to make the point efficiently: I don't think that classical music is defined by the rules it imposes, at least not for this rhetorical purpose. I think it's defined by the fact that you can't master it without study and discipline (also true of gamelan, I suppose). These are the qualities I was referring to when I wrote about the entitlement to 'contribute'.

Thanks for your interest in the book!

Best, Bruce.

phinjensen commented 6 years ago
original author: Anonymous
date: 2009-05-18T19:25:00-04:00

The book sounds boring and inhumane, put it down and plant a tree