Enderbyte-Programs / CraftServerSetup

A feature rich TUI Minecraft Server maker
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Improve server startup #25

Open Enderbyte09 opened 6 months ago

Enderbyte09 commented 6 months ago

this is unfortunately, an unfixable issue. A big downside to my setup is that you can either configure, or run. Once you are running you need to stop the process to configure. I have tried a variety of fixes to this issue but to no avail :( Here is what I have tried

However, I have an idea that I think may just work, though it is rather hacky

Global Implement more CLI control (such as starting by managing a certain server)

Also with (crss -s ): Show a ttymessage such as "go to TTY ## to run commands"

On Windows When you click start, and if the setting is on, automatically open a new window to that server's configuration

On Linux If in a display, do the same as Windows. In TTY it will be harder. It will need to

However there is a major problem and that is what if the user forgets what TTY the config console is on.

Enderbyte09 commented 5 months ago

I've come up with a new solution. For Windows we will use the old one For Linux, the server will be started in "screen." From there, commands can be sent easily