Enderbyte-Programs / CraftServerSetup

A feature rich TUI Minecraft Server maker
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C:/C: Bug and Suggestions #4

Closed kcbence closed 9 months ago

kcbence commented 9 months ago

When you go to select java installation image image It lands you on %userprofile% image I press "B" once to go up No problem so far image If i press again it puts u to "C:" instead of "C:\" and "C:" is not a valid directory image If i press again it finally goes to "C:\" image And if i go to any folder and press "B" again it does the same

  1. And also when something happens I cant view the log (no permission issues or anything else to my knowledge) image

  2. Recommendations You could pop out the mc server console to a seperate window and maybe an other window where the current users are there and there would be options to e.g kick, ban, whois info, or if essentials is there some essentials command e.g /whois /spawnmob etc and another window (or if the windows are too much put it everything into 1 window and use option menu) where you can change the time , weather, gamerules, etc

  3. And couldnt export the server when i choose the folder it said: image

And maybe some popular plugins (coreprotect,essentials,multiverse) could have a seperate menu where you can use the plugin in a terminal like ui

Enderbyte09 commented 9 months ago

Thank you for your bug report. This has been labelled high severity and will be fixed as soon as possible. It also appears that you have run into the large problem that the colours system breaks down frequently on Windows.

Enderbyte09 commented 9 months ago

Bug no. 1 is a problem in cursesplus. It is being fixed right now.

Enderbyte09 commented 9 months ago

Bug no. 2 is caused by a bug where I change the directory to the logs dir without first checking if such a directory exists

Enderbyte09 commented 9 months ago

I was unable to replicate bug no. 3. Could you please elaborate more on what directory you chose?

kcbence commented 9 months ago

I can't replicate it either it was run on a computer that is not in my hands right now so we can close that issue until I encounter it again