EndingCredits / Neural-Episodic-Control

Implementation of Deepmind's Neural Episodic Control
57 stars 20 forks source link

Performance #4

Open LinZichuan opened 6 years ago

LinZichuan commented 6 years ago

Hi, thanks for your work! But I wonder whether this code can reproduce the performance mentioned in the paper. Have you tested it?

EndingCredits commented 6 years ago

Hi, I have tested the algorithm on a few games from the Atari dataset. While it seems to work okay, and learns pretty quickly, unfortunately it doesn't quite match the results given in the paper.

This could be for a number of reasons:

All in all, chasing down their reported results seems a bit futile given all the possible differences, especially as a small difference in performance isn't really important for Reinforcement Learning at this stage.

That said, let me know if you're having significant performance issues (say if you're not clearly outperforming a random baseline after ~250000 steps).