EndlesNights / ambientdoors

Ambient Doors module for Foundry VTT - adds easily customization hocks for sounds effects that all user can hear when interacting with doors.
GNU General Public License v3.0
7 stars 3 forks source link

Sounds #11

Open msbranin opened 3 years ago

msbranin commented 3 years ago

More of a feature request but it would be nice to add in or or have the option to replace the sounds. For instance playing a Sci-Fi game it would be nice to be able to select Sci-Fi sounding sounds.

EndlesNights commented 3 years ago

You can already do this, this is a core feature. When you're editing the door, you are able to select what sound files play when the doors are interacted with. Alternatively you can also edit what default sounds play for all door if you go into Configure Settings -> Module Settings. Somewhere in my long TODO list is to eventually compose a library of different door sounds to include with this module or as another one, I just haven't gotten around to it yet.

HollyLemon314 commented 3 years ago

I am having a hard time getting the sounds to work, is there a specific file type that would work? Size? Folder it should be placed into?