EndlessEden / msiSDR

A SDR PCB project base on msi2500 and msi001
GNU General Public License v3.0
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RSP1C (RSP1-C?) #2

Open EndlessEden opened 2 years ago

EndlessEden commented 2 years ago

As noted by user u/Iomotap on reddit. A possible variant of RSP1-F exists in the wild, which the vendor has dubbed "RSP1C". (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003582765124.html)

the product differs from the RSP1-F's design and more closely resembles SDRplays RSP1, even more than the other initial clones. | further reviewing of information necessary to determine if it is in fact a variant or a clone of RSP1-F.

Product Images (Direct)

EndlessEden commented 2 years ago

notes: https://www.reddit.com/r/RTLSDR/comments/onftps/any_feedback_on_the_bg7yzf_version_of_the_msi_001/hnt3qxa/?context=3

patomoi commented 2 years ago

hi i have continued with my research and probably i found the "forks" of the proyect by smith in the chinese page Kechuang:

https://www.kechuang.org/t/85213 this would be the genesis of the "simple version", in the comments are the progression of the proyect

https://www.kechuang.org/t/85043 this would be the beggining of the RSP1C

https://www.kechuang.org/t/86356 this is probably the early version of the "full version" is based

seems to be a active community in this sdr type, even in the comments the same makers and engineers (including smith) make comments and suggestions

maybe BG7YZF look at these post and merge ideas and designs, and using their university installations made the 2 variants know by ours now

see ya. 73 de CA2PEY

patomoi commented 2 years ago

hi, i have purchased the RSPc and the performance is amazing, in fact the software recognizes it like rsp1 and is way better than my RTL-SDR.

patomoi commented 2 years ago

hi this vendor is offering simple version with case https://es.aliexpress.com/item/1005003802073340.html

sadly the reddit post has been archived.

FrankHovis commented 2 years ago

I'm guessing this is yet another attempt at a redesign around the same chipset https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/304499324587

patomoi commented 2 years ago

I'm guessing this is yet another attempt at a redesign around the same chipset https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/304499324587

this seems to be an upgrade over the first models of MSI.SDR (the blue dolphin one). interesting, une can see the path in the traces, i think this model would be great for a fixed online sdr station.

kelogs commented 3 months ago

I'm guessing this is yet another attempt at a redesign around the same chipset https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/304499324587

I am trying to decide between this one and the RSP1C. This one clearly has the bandpass filters. Does the RSP1C also have them ?

Looking to use it with GQRX, so even if the RSP1C does have the filters, I guess they will not be used as GQRX is not SDRuno (and the public API does not expose any ways of activating them)?

Any other comments welcome. Thanks!

patomoi commented 2 months ago

I'm guessing this is yet another attempt at a redesign around the same chipset https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/304499324587

I am trying to decide between this one and the RSP1C. This one clearly has the bandpass filters. Does the RSP1C also have them ?

Looking to use it with GQRX, so even if the RSP1C does have the filters, I guess they will not be used as GQRX is not SDRuno (and the public API does not expose any ways of activating them)?

Any other comments welcome. Thanks!

hi, the rsp1c have the filters, the filters are activated by the chip, the uncased model have reviews of fault in the microswitches and sma connector.

kelogs commented 1 month ago

hi, the rsp1c have the filters, the filters are activated by the chip, the uncased model have reviews of fault in the microswitches and sma connector.

It does not look that the RSP1C has those API addressable filters:

randy@raspberrypi:~ $ SoapySDRUtil --probe=sdrplay ######################################################

Soapy SDR -- the SDR abstraction library


Probe device sdrplay

-- Device identification

driver=SDRplay hardware=RSP1 mir_sdr_api_version=2.130000 mir_sdr_hw_version=1 serial=B0001P0005

-- Peripheral summary

Channels: 1 Rx, 0 Tx Timestamps: NO Other Settings:

No mention of

If it does have any filters, then what sort of filters does it have and are they controllable ?
