EndyWon / Texture-Reformer

Official Pytorch code for "Texture Reformer: Towards Fast and Universal Interactive Texture Transfer" (AAAI 2022)
MIT License
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Virtual texture manipulation #4

Closed opendeeple closed 1 year ago

opendeeple commented 1 year ago

Hello, I have tested your texture reformer for transfer texture from a mask to another.

Inputs: -content_sem front-target-mask -style front-image -style_sem front-mask Command to run:

python3 transfer.py -style_transfer -content_sem inputs/front-target-mask.png -style inputs/front-image.png -style_sem inputs/front-mask.png

And I am getting unexpected value Output image output

Can your help me to improve result? Thanks for your attention!

EndyWon commented 1 year ago

Sorry for the late reply, you can improve the result by adjusting the hyper-parameters, such as image size, patch size at different stage, etc.