Enegnei / JacobAppelbaumLeavesTor

:mag: An investigation into Jacob Appelbaum leaving the Tor Project
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Navigation with Updates #10

Open Enegnei opened 8 years ago

Enegnei commented 8 years ago

I've opened this issue to ask how easy it is for you (readers) to find new information in my investigation. Even though every commit is highlighted in the History, I don't know whether readers use that to find new information or if you just scroll through the article looking for parts that seem new. I would appreciate if I could get a few responses on one or more of these questions:

1) How do you find new information/ updates that I add? How easy are they to find? 2) Do you think I should make it easier to find these new/ updated sections?

ghost commented 8 years ago

Since it's Git, just use the Git history. Why fight it? To help people who aren't familiar with Git, you could put a link inside the text along with instructions and an explanation of what people will be seeing there.

It's not an ideal answer from a UX standpoint, but anything else will involve endless curation.

Enegnei commented 8 years ago

I've been thinking of maybe having a small section at the top of the page which lists the latest updates of that week, linking to sub-headers if it's several paragraphs or a new section, such as:

Latest updates: Tor Project concludes investigation, "Sam" story, Tor shares company policies

From there they can just do a keyword search if there isn't a sub-header link. But yeah I agree using History is the preferred option, that's what I would do. I just want to know if readers are doing the same.

ralphtheninja commented 8 years ago

@Enegnei Many open source projects have some sort of CHANGELOG document which is used to highlight things that changed but on a higher level, instead of going into details. So it could say "Added section blabla, removed thisandthat" etc.

shannoncunningham commented 8 years ago

I've been using the History tab, but it def. is more of a pain than Wikipedia…

I've been thinking of maybe having a small section at the top of the page which lists the latest updates of that week, linking to sub-headers if it's several paragraphs or a new section, such as:

LATEST UPDATES: Tor Project concludes investigation, "Sam" story, Tor shares company policies

Something like this would be great, if it isn't much trouble to do… I just appreciate that the resource exists at all, so I certainly can't complain. :)

Enegnei commented 8 years ago

@shannoncunningham Thanks for the input! It wouldn't be much trouble at all to do.

Enegnei commented 8 years ago

I've now added a "Latest updates" section at the top of the page under the table of contents: https://github.com/Enegnei/JacobAppelbaumLeavesTor/blob/master/JacobAppelbaumLeavesTor.md#latest-updates. It links to the header or subheader closest to where the change was.

jeroenh commented 8 years ago

First of all, I subscribed to the issues, but now see that you've done a lot more than is seen here.

Second, thanks for the latest updates addition! Unfortunately the links don't work, at least not on iOS.

Enegnei commented 8 years ago

@jeroenh Oh, that's unfortunate. I haven't used GitHub on Mac or iOS so I wouldn't have caught that. So the shortcut links I have in the table of contents also don't work on iOS?

jeroenh commented 8 years ago

@J9Roem that's correct, they don't work. They just link to the top of the file.

ghost commented 8 years ago

The links work OK on my Mac with OS X 10.10.5. Perhaps it is just an iOS problem.

Enegnei commented 8 years ago

@jeroenh Does iOS normally work with internal shortcut links? For example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GitHub#Gist

jeroenh commented 8 years ago

@J9Roem that Wikipedia link does work. So it seems to be something with the way the targets are defined.

Enegnei commented 8 years ago

@jeroenh Hmm, okay. No way for me to fix that, would have to be done on the iOS-end. This may be a use case for creating a webpage with GitHub Pages.

Enegnei commented 8 years ago

I am thinking about trying something out as an experiment for https://twitter.com/J9Roem/status/756486124290318337 which may also help with navigation (including the iOS link issue, cc: @jeroenh). I've been prompted by my partner to publish a nicer copy of this investigation outside of GitHub and https://www.gitbook.com seems to be a display platform for Git/ GitHub writers. I wouldn't use it to solely write on, as there doesn't appear to be any support for viewing tracked changes or downloading/ cloning the repository on the reader side (I haven't made an account but it sounds like there is that option for the writer/ user - I hope so, otherwise what then is the point of version control?!). Since the whole reason I'm doing it this way is to have transparent editing, that would really defeat the purpose.

The upside is that it looks just a bit friendlier (I like their offering of white/ sepia/ night modes) and would be an option for people who just want a blog or eBook-type page. I could also add a more formal bibliography with its own page (cc: @jdormansteele). Obviously this GitHub repo would still be my main page for this investigation but I might consider recreating it there for navigation and aesthetic reasons. My real goal is to host all this on IPFS eventually and if the GitBook format appeals to people I may draw from it.

elvey commented 8 years ago

FYI: The http://vimple.co/04506a053f124483b8fb05ed73899f19 link (North Korea video) has gone dead. I wonder why. (Possibly falsified) DMCA claim, I guess. Can you let us know and put it up somewhere?

And it's hard to say that's Jake in the photo taken in North Korea. If it had been working, I'd never have followed the link to this fascinating page: https://archive.is/OIK0V (which is an archive of an 0bin.net post that has also gone away)!

And I found http://archive.is/Qmr32 , which shows that https://blog.torproject.org/blog/what-tor-supporter-looks-%E2%80%93-jacob-appelbaum , which is currently online, was indeed taken offline for a time, as you claim. Suggest adding it. I suppose I could submit a patch...

Just saw the two English Zeit articles. Glad to see more evidence that this person I've long seen as a powerful force for good is far, far less flawed than he's been painted. For a time, I seriously doubted he is a force for good. I wonder how many within the orgs that have kicked him to the curb are regretting their decisions.

ghost commented 8 years ago

I have a copy of the NK video somewhere. I'll post it and let Janine know.

-- David

Enegnei commented 8 years ago

@elvey & @jdormansteele - In this case it wasn't a DMCA claim, Vimple lets you host videos through their site as long as it gets more than 10 views in a period of 90 days, so I guess there weren't enough people clicking on it. I still have a local copy of the entire video, so no worries there. If anyone wants to host it or is already hosting it, just let me know.

@elvey - I wouldn't have found the article if I hadn't seen the NK tourism video first (since neither Yi nor the video mention the other tourists by name), but they definitely match as all the people in the picture are also in the video.

Thanks for that archive link on the vanished blog post, I will add it.

dmytri commented 7 years ago

Do you mind listing Franziska as a simply member of Telekommunisten, and not as my wife, that seems to diminish her position and is not relevant, the letter was from Telekommunisten and was signed by three people, leave it at that.

Enegnei commented 7 years ago

@dmytri No problem. I always provide linked attribution for whoever contributed to articles, statements, quotes, etc. whenever possible, and that was simply the first outside reference I found. No disrespect intended. Let me know if anything else is inaccurate.

dmytri commented 7 years ago

@Enegnei thanks, you could also link to a page about her instead of a page about me


https://www.thoughtworks.com/profiles/franziska-kleiner https://www.gettextbooks.com/author/Franziska_Kleiner_Editor https://www.amazon.de/s/ref=dp_byline_sr_ebooks_2?ie=UTF8&text=Franziska+Kleiner&search-alias=digital-text&field-author=Franziska+Kleiner&sort=relevancerank