To inspect and start working with "real" events, a skeleton design will be implemented to move metering point events to a place where Spark can get ahold of them.
Acceptance criteria
AC1: we can consume and store the created and connected events from the metering point domain.
[x] Initial setup of Terraform and GitHub secrets (awaiting help from MD)
[x] Create infrastructure for a function
[x] Create infrastructure for an event hub
[x] Create a Nuget package which can extract ADR-008 integration event data
[x] Enrich the JSON data which is sent to EventHub
[x] Telementry/CorrelationId middleware on IntegrationEventListener
[x] Add integration tests for IntegrationEventListener
[x] HealthCheck on IntegrationEventListener
[x] Add integration tests for Health
[x] Quaterly / Hourly resolution
[x] Consume MeteringPointConnetedEvent
[x] Ensure correlationId from userproperties are used when moving the message to eventhub
To inspect and start working with "real" events, a skeleton design will be implemented to move metering point events to a place where Spark can get ahold of them.
Acceptance criteria
AC1: we can consume and store the created and connected events from the metering point domain.