EnergizedProtection / block

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Breaking TikTok thumbnails #824

Open p1r473 opened 3 years ago

p1r473 commented 3 years ago

Energized Protection - block ⚡

Let's make an annoyance free, better open internet, altogether!

Issue Submit Form

Provide the following info properly, which will help us to resolve your issue quickly.


Type x in between [ ] and make sure there isn't any space between brackets. Example; for Your Selected Issue(s), type like this - [x] You can select more than one category of issues if you need to!


Write the name of the pack(s) you are using.


Also name the extension(s) if you are using any. If you don't then leave it blank.


If you are submitting this issue for whitelist/blacklist issue, send us the domain(s) for whitelisting/blacklisting here. Kindly use the Code Tag to prevent tracking.

<!------------------ Type before this tag ------------------>

<!-- Example; for **Whitelisting/Blacklisting/Log** type at the beginning and ending of the list.

example.com sub.example.com


### Your Config:
Just to ensure there is no issues or conflicts with other app/software/magisk module/extension/source list. 
Make sure you are running Energized Protection Service only.
<!------------------ Type after this tag ------------------->
<!-- Client: Adaway App/Blokada App/Magisk Module/Hostsman Software/uBlock Extension etc. Basically the client you are using to use Energized Protection with. -->
- Client:  Pihole
<!-- Version: Check the Energized Protection Version you are using. Can be found in every pack we have under the tag of Version. Ex. Version: 18.12.355 -->
- Version:   5.5
<!------------------ Type before this tag ------------------>

### Detail:
Write us a lil bit more about your issue or query. You can attach any screen shot or log of the issue or advert, this will help to highlight it.
<!------------------ Type after this tag ------------------->
- Your Issue Detail:  Hi,
The *.ttlivecdn.com.* and *.fcdn.us.tiktokv.com.* and *.tiktokcdn-us.com.* blocks are breaking TikTok thumbnails. I am using Deep Packet Inspection which is blocking CNAMEs

I would recommend not blocking CDNs (Content Delivery Networks) as they serve all sorts of content, valid domains included.
I wish I could provide the domains, but there are so many of them, and Im not sure which is doing what.

While trying to figure out exactly which domain was causing the issues, I ended up trying to whitelist more than 20 domains, unable to figure out which was the culprit.
For example, it could have been:
push-rtmp-f5-gcp01.ttlivecdn.com.c.worldfcdn.com (CNAME for push-rtmp-f5-gcp01.ttlivecdn.com)
push-rtmp-f5-tt01.fcdn.us.tiktokv.com.c.worldfcdn2.com (CNAME for push-rtmp-f5-tt01.fcdn.us.tiktokv.com)
pull-f5-va01.ttlivecdn.com.c.worldfcdn.com (CNAME for pull-f5-va01.ttlivecdn.com)
Or one of countless others.

There are literally tons of these and iterations like these in the traffic logs. Without being familiar with TikTok's architecture and load balancers, I have no idea. I am trying to whitelist one at a time but there are so many I can't figure it out.


<!------------------ Type before this tag ------------------>
<!-- Just a desciption of the issue when you visit the site/use app/software. Or steps on reproducing this -->


<div align="center">
  <h2>Thank you for making Energized Protection great, with your kind help!</h2>
  <sub>A project by <a href="https://nayemador.com" target="_blank">Ador</a> with ❤<pub>
p1r473 commented 3 years ago

I am linking these 2 issues because out of my 500 blocklists, only these two are blocking these domains image https://github.com/badmojr/1Hosts/issues/300

p1r473 commented 3 years ago

Theres so much TikTok traffic I cant for the life of me figure out which are breaking thumbnails Here are some of the ones I am seeing now pull-cmaf-f5.tiktokcdn.com.c.worldfcdn.com pull-f5-ab.tiktokcdn.com.c.worldfcdn.com pull-f5-gcp01.tiktokcdn.com.c.worldfcdn.com pull-f5-gcp01.ttlivecdn.com.c.worldfcdn.com pull-f5-sg01.tiktokcdn.com.c.worldfcdn.com pull-f5-sg01.ttlivecdn.com.c.worldfcdn.com pull-f5-tt01.tiktokcdn.com.c.worldfcdn.com pull-f5-va01.ttlivecdn.com.c.worldfcdn.com pull-q5-sg01.tiktokcdn.com.c.worldfcdn.com pull-q5-va01.tiktokcdn.com.c.worldfcdn.com pull-w5-sg01.tiktokcdn.com.c.worldfcdn.com pull-w5.tiktokcdn.com.c.worldfcdn.com pull-w5-va01.tiktokcdn.com.c.worldfcdn.com push-rtmp-f5-ab.tiktokcdn.com.c.worldfcdn.com push-rtmp-f5-gcp01.tiktokcdn.com.c.worldfcdn.com push-rtmp-f5-gcp01.ttlivecdn.com.c.worldfcdn.com push-rtmp-f5-sg01.tiktokcdn.com.c.worldfcdn.com push-rtmp-f5-sg01.ttlivecdn.com.c.worldfcdn.com push-rtmp-f5-va01.ttlivecdn.com.c.worldfcdn.com pull-f5-ab.tiktokcdn.com.c.worldfcdn.com pull-f5-gcp01.tiktokcdn.com.c.worldfcdn.com pull-f5-gcp01.ttlivecdn.com.c.worldfcdn.com pull-f5-sg01.tiktokcdn.com.c.worldfcdn.com pull-f5-sg01.ttlivecdn.com.c.worldfcdn.com pull-f5-tt01.tiktokcdn.com.c.worldfcdn.com pull-f5-va01.ttlivecdn.com.c.worldfcdn.com push-rtmp-f5-ab.tiktokcdn.com.c.worldfcdn.com push-rtmp-f5-gcp01.tiktokcdn.com.c.worldfcdn.com push-rtmp-f5-gcp01.ttlivecdn.com.c.worldfcdn.com push-rtmp-f5-sg01.tiktokcdn.com.c.worldfcdn.com push-rtmp-f5-sg01.ttlivecdn.com.c.worldfcdn.com push-rtmp-f5-va01.ttlivecdn.com.c.worldfcdn.com pull-f5-ab.tiktokcdn.com.c.worldfcdn.com pull-f5-gcp01.tiktokcdn.com.c.worldfcdn.com pull-f5-gcp01.ttlivecdn.com.c.worldfcdn.com pull-f5-sg01.tiktokcdn.com.c.worldfcdn.com pull-f5-sg01.ttlivecdn.com.c.worldfcdn.com pull-f5-tt01.tiktokcdn.com.c.worldfcdn.com pull-f5-va01.ttlivecdn.com.c.worldfcdn.com pull-q5-sg01.tiktokcdn.com.c.worldfcdn.com pull-q5-va01.tiktokcdn.com.c.worldfcdn.com push-rtmp-f5-ab.tiktokcdn.com.c.worldfcdn.com push-rtmp-f5-gcp01.tiktokcdn.com.c.worldfcdn.com push-rtmp-f5-gcp01.ttlivecdn.com.c.worldfcdn.com push-rtmp-f5-sg01.tiktokcdn.com.c.worldfcdn.com push-rtmp-f5-sg01.ttlivecdn.com.c.worldfcdn.com push-rtmp-f5-va01.ttlivecdn.com.c.worldfcdn.com