EnergizedProtection / block

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#1 Natrual website in the world "Naturalnews.com" banned by your shit list, while pentagon's www.defense.gov still up. #866

Open rugabunda opened 2 years ago

rugabunda commented 2 years ago

Please unblock nature from your lists. thanks

gyCfjSnO commented 2 years ago

I have stopped using the list it's turned to shit ever since it went offline a couple of months ago

rugabunda commented 2 years ago

I have stopped using the list it's turned to shit ever since it went offline a couple of months ago

Ok so even the website version is not up-to-date, even though it says

"# Updated: Sun, 23 Jan 22 16:15:41 +06"



t3dium commented 2 years ago

defence.gov still up

why shouldn’t it be?

natural news banned

Natural News, along with mike’s several other spam websites, spreads fake news/conspiracy theories. One of his points was “HIV does not cause aids” lmfao.

offline a couple months ago

No? It gets updated daily.. the last update was yesterday.

gyCfjSnO commented 2 years ago

@t3dium @rugabunda I should have been more specific sorry, I was referring to when the site and repo went off the air without any warning for a couple of days then when it came back it has gone down hill since. I still have issues open from couple of months that still aren't resolved.

TaxingAuthority commented 2 years ago

@gyCfjSnO Do we know if this set of lists is still actively maintained? Seems like there are a lot of issues open going back several months with no comment. Or do the maintainers only work off of their dedicated website?