EnergizedProtection / block

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Not a bug/PSA: EnergizedProtection is available in the cloud using Control D #935

Open trollybusman opened 1 year ago

trollybusman commented 1 year ago

This is not a bug report, but I wanted to put this here in case anyone is interested in using Energized on their phones.

I've been using Energized lists on my Pihole for quite a while, almost as the only source (along with OISD). Its awesome and I love it - huge thanks to the list maintainers. I recently discovered a DNS service called Control D, and they offer free DNS resolvers with different blocklists. They recently added a mirror of Energized Protection blocklists (and a bunch of other ones as well), which are freely available.

I will probably still keep my pihole at home, but now I can use Energized on my phone as well, since you can use Private DNS and point it to a DNS-over-TLS resolver they offer. I started using it a few days ago, and its pretty awesome. Here is a direct link where they list all the blocklists they support: https://kb.controld.com/en/3rd-party-filters

macbugs commented 1 year ago

Ah, very interesting... NextDNS has a larger selection of custom block lists which you could use in that situation, but this service has some different features, so its always good to keep track of who offers what because different users have different needs. If your home router does not natively support secure DNS, you could possibly change out the firmware to something like OpenWRT which can function as a proxy DNS resolver for all of your local clients, so you just specify which resolver the router uses and override client DNS configuration, and then you wont need the pihole. If you dont use secure DNS, some ISP's will actually intercept DNS requests regardless of which custom resolver is specified in the edge device. Your post is also an example of why a repository owner might want to enable "github discussions" on the repo so meta topics like this can be discussed without creating new issues in the bug database.